
Work at Home United - More Information For Review

There are many moms today that are searching for opportunities on the internet because of the economic crisis that has hit their homes and the preference to stay at home with their children rather than to pay the expenses of childcare which are very high. They are in financial crisis and need extra income to help with the bills that are getting larger by the second. The Work at Home opportunities are enormous. It truly is difficult to find one that is worth the attention and that is why you are here reading this. Being able to enjoy a lifestyle where both parents can stay at home and enjoy their families is becoming a possibility for many because of the Internet. As moms search and come across Work at Home United, they want to know if this is a company that can help them create a small residual income. Is Work At Home United truly a real company? The reality is, it is a company that can help moms stay at home and provide them some form of income.Work At Home United - More Information For ReviewWhat Do They Do?Work At Home United moms is a support company for Melaleuca The Wellness Company, it was created to help moms build a business from home and bring in extra income. It also helps Melaleuca use the word of mouth system by avoiding the costs of advertising. Melaleuca produces a line of all natural products and has been selling the products successfully for almost 25 years. The products are safer for the environment and they range from cosmetics, weight loss to pharmaceuticals and all of your home cleaning products. If you are looking for great products for the home and that do not contain harmful chemicals, Melaleuca is great.How do I get Compensated?The company recommends that you become a member by paying a small fee of $29, which gives you the right to begin earning compensation. You will also have to purchase the products on a monthly basis and the company requires you to spend at least $50 - $60. The Leaders ask that you begin by creating a contact list of all of your friends and family to start your business. You will receive a free website to begin promoting your business. By signing on as many people as you can and depending on how many decide to become customers and start a business, you will then begin to earn between 7% - 20% commission on every referral. The leaders recommend that you do not make your first referrals from the internet and they request that representatives not advertise Melaleuca at all. The residual income begins when you have referred your first 8 people and become a Director, then it increases as you go. In order to see a nice income of around $1,000 to $2,000 a month, you would have to refer about 13 people and have 2 of those refer 8 people each to become directors and buy the products on a monthly basis. This usually will require you to spend at least 20 hours a week talking to friends and family and doing your own offline and online advertising.Work At Home United is a legal business that provides the customers with all natural products and helps Moms earn a little extra income. It can also be a business that many individuals would rather not do because they do not feel at ease with having to sell to their friends and family. The internet is by far the best place to start a business.

Put the "Best You" Forward For Success in Your Home Based Business

I was in on a discussion the other night about how important social media is to small businesses and home-based businesses. And I believe that.I've made that known in previous blog posts. However, what some of us don't realize is that unless we share the positive, no one will want to be a part of whatever it is we're doing, no matter how unmatched the opportunity we have to offer is.I have an acquaintance I've known for some years and she is active on most of the social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. But when I read and reflect on her posts, I am not "drawn" to her or her business. Why? Because her posts actually include a great deal of negative. She posts about things such as how bad the weather is, how she is so tired, how she is dreading a coming dentist appointment, how people are sometimes irritating. And I have to ask myself what exactly she feels anyone would be interested in when it came to taking her up on her business opportunity. I know that most everyone I know would avoid responding to those kinds of posts.We all have bad days. But they are what you make them. As any of you know, we create our own reality. How we respond to certain situations, certain instances, and even certain people, will determine the reality of what they are. We build the kind of reality we want by seeking the positive in things that happen in our lives. And those positive things are the things we need to share. No one can benefit from negative. They can, however, benefit from the way you handle things and approach things and how you are able to put a positive spin on what would otherwise be a negative in your life.The most important thing in any marketing for your business is to always put your "best" you forward. People, by nature, are drawn to others who have a desirable outlook on life and what it brings. I am. And I find myself avoiding that acquaintance who always sees the dismal and disappointment.We actually took some personal development courses and I highly suggest that anyone in their own business does the same. It gives you clarity on what is most important and what will help ensure your success. In utilizing those personal development skills, you can reflect on exactly what you want to demonstrate in your business-prosperity, success, lack of stress, the power to control your own income and work hours, and the benefits of being a business owner. But whether you do or do not take personal development courses, think, and think again, and read again-anything you intend to post. Ask yourself how you would respond to a person or post that said what you are considering posting. You will know-if you view your post consideration from another persons perspective-whether or not it is something that is appropriate, beneficial or representative of the "you" that you want out there. And most importantly, whether you would be drawn to YOU.

Your Passions Are Your Pathway to Wealth

What are you passionate about? Are you using your passions to your full advantage in order to increase your income and wealth? The reality is that most people are not. They either do not know how, or they believe that what they are passionate about cannot be used to create wealth. The reality is though that everyone has at least one passion which when used correctly could turn into an extra income source that in many cases could and for many people will create wealth. So how do you turn your passions into your pathway for wealth?1. Recognize what your passions are. This is the first crucial step to making it work for you. You must be crystal clear about what you love to do and what you would do all day every day if you could.2. Brainstorm ideas about what you could do in order to earn an income with your passions. Include every idea that comes to mind even if it seems crazy, outrageous or impossible.3. Write down the advantages and disadvantages to each idea. Include things such as implementing this idea would cost a lot of money, or I could implement this idea for very little money.4. Choose one idea to put into action. Develop a clear plan about how you make this profitable. Ask for feedback and recommendations from your friends and family as well as from people in social networks or anywhere else you can think of. Get their thoughts on whether or not your idea will work as a revenue source.5. Do some online research in order to find out if people are spending money in the area that you are thinking of pursuing. If they are, take notes about what kinds of things they are paying for. If not, then you will need to either revise your idea or choose a different target market.6. See if you can find at least one person and if possible two or three people who are already making money with the same idea and or passion that you have chosen. Make every effort possible to contact these people and ask if you can interview them.7. Take the leap and create your product or service. If it is complicated or expensive to create, figure out a way to create a prototype or how to create part of it before you go all the way only to discover that it is not as profitable as you thought.8. Begin marketing what you have created. Strive to use as many free methods as possible. Take note of the comments you receive as well as your sales successes.9. Make changes as needed. You will find that the farther along you get in the process, that you will need to make changes and in some cases you may even need to try a different product, service or format.10. Keep going and know that making money and lots of it with your passion is very possible if you persist at it and are determined to make it work for you.

Attraction Marketing Principles - Giving Value is the Key Ingredient When Building Successful MLM

If you've been on the internet even for a short amount of time trying to build your network marketing business, I know that one of the terms that you have been hearing is how using attraction marketing principles is this new phenomenon that everyone is praising. This way of doing business is not something that is new it's just a way of building your network marketing business that fits perfectly with the internet.In this article I'm going to talk about what the key attraction marketing principle is and how you can use it to build your network marketing business as successful as you want.Using attraction marketing to build your business in the MLM industry is very prevalent today primarily because of this fascinating advanced technology that we call the internet. The reason why network marketing and the internet work so well together is because of the ease in which you can interact and communicate with others.If you ran your network marketing business using traditional methods all you did was constantly pitch your business to any and everyone that you saw. Building your business that way does work and it will always work but it contains a lot of rejection and the failure rate is high.The key attraction marketing principle that you are hearing all over the internet is Giving Value. This is when you present yourself as a teacher and coach of network marketing and you give away valuable information on how others can build their business.When you present yourself as an authority in the business and people see your information that you gave away they look at you as a respected go to person that they can trust and can rely on for good business building strategies.So what it's all about is giving the lessons that you have learned away to others and the ones that connect to you personally will be attracted to you and contact you for more information. This is the essence of how this business is being done on the internet, use this valuable lesson to attract people to you and take your business to the next level.

How Much Do Avon Distributors Get Paid? - Avon Compensation Plan

So you're thinking about maybe getting involved with Avon, but you're wondering how much money you can really expect to make. Avon has been around for over a hundred of years and is without a doubt one of the best network marketing companies in the world. The company has representatives all over the world and their products are well known for their quality. Their reputation as a company is superb! Women everywhere have great things to say about Avon.Back to the big question that you have; how much money can you make within this company? As a distributor you can make anywhere from 20-50% on all of your personal sales. Your commission rate will depend on the amount of volume you sale and other factors as well. Also, you can make money by becoming a group leader.When you recruit people into Avon to become distributors they are placed under you and become part of what is called a down line. You make a commission of the sales off everyone in your down line. Depending on the amount of people in your down line and the volume of sales, you can make up to 12% percent on all their sales. Over long periods of time your group can become quite large, making it much easier for you to make substantial amounts of money each month.The company also has many bonus and incentive programs where distributors can earn extra cash, gifts, and even a car.The amount of money that you'll make each year depends solely on your ability to sell and recruit. The top money earners within the company have enormous down lines; recruiting is without a doubt the key to making a lot of money within Avon.So, if you're a person that has no problem talking to your friends and family about getting involved with the company and buying products then you'll do quite well. If you don't feel comfortable about approaching the people you know and trying to get them involved with the company then this might not be a good fit for you.

How MLM & 7 Figure Top Tier Online Marketers Turn Their List Into Cash - Part 4 of 4

Other than what was discussed in part 3, what can you do to monetize it?If you have a list of at least 40 leads, host a webinar for them. Send a broadcast invitation and use ad copy to reel them in. If you have never given a webinar, just make sure you know your subject well and anticipate something bad happening. Technical difficulties or something that you can't really control with will happen, just be prepared to keep your cool.If you are more of a seasoned marketer, you may want to email your list asking what their interests are in the business. This way you can give them a webinar on exactly what they want.In the email, you could even include a payment button. Charging them $10-$15 for the webinar and make sure they know it is 100% guaranteed. Do the webinar via go to webinar dotcom. The first 30 days is free, the following is $100 a month. Ask your network of marketers to share the account with you to help with costs.After completing the webinar, always have a back end product that you can make affiliate commissions with. For example, if you give a webinar about how to be viewed as an authority figure, what mindset to have, you could tell them you have a book you recommend and if they are interested to shoot you an email. When you respond, include your affiliate link for them to purchase through.An affiliate link doesn't have to appear to be affiliate, so don't feel like you're overstepping your boundaries. Also, even if they did know you made a commission on it, they probably wouldn't care if you had already given them value via the webinar. If they didn't know about the resource to begin with, how else would they have known to get the book, CD or DVD to assist them in their marketing?The webinar is a definite way to show you are an authority figure, a leader, someone to go to for information. This is a great way to build a team.


Work at Home Online

A work at home online job is no longer new to many of us today. Anyone can practically start real work online and earn money 24/7. Even better you can do your job at your pace.If you are looking out to start making money right away the internet is always available to you 24hrs of the day. You can choose something related to your hobby and take your time to build your business.Working from home has become the dream of every one especially parents. What could be better than to get to your office in less than 30sec? Some parents have to employ a house help to take care of their kids every morning while they battle in the traffic to get to their mind numbing bored work.We are going to go over how to run a business on the internet. Bear in mind, all the ways to earn money online we are going to discuss here are free to start so long as you go about it the right way.Step 1 - Let's assume you are looking for affiliate program. Visit any of the search engine and type affiliate program, you will find many web pages relating to your query.Step 2 - The first page usually contains the most important information of your search.Step 3 - Click any of the links that interest you.Next you will want to find out how affiliate marketing works.You will find this information on the site as well. They might create an affiliate marketing tips book for sale, if it's a hard copy it will be shipped to your given address and if it's an eBook you can download it instantly for some fee or free. They might have other great product such as video, special reports and many more. There are many ways they can use to make money online.It didn't cost this program/site a dime to be on the first page of the search engine, they only got there as a result of hard work as well as offering good products to visitors. How do they make money working at online? They simply give out their product on commission basis. There are also many affiliates who found a real work online job working with these companies. And it didn't cost them a dime to sign up as affiliate of these companies.However, you need to learn some skills to put all this things into practice. Some companies might charge you a little fee monthly to impact this knowledge on you but I mentioned earlier it's not going to cost you a dime to get started. Simply search the internet for free tutorials, good companies will even offer you training and marketing materials for free.If you can't pay for your own domain name you can use a free blog for the meantime.Lastly, you need to work on building traffic to your site/blog.With these tips you now have an idea of how to work at home online.

GPT - The Marketing Business Model For 2010

In every industry/business and in life there comes a point where major change occurs. Unless you adapt with these changes you stand to lose out those who embrace it. Change in everything is inevitable, it is a natural part of evolution and order. As humans who like to be within our comfort zone, we do not always see change as a positive force and we tend to view it with suspicion, hostility and with fear. Fear is of the unknown and we have a certain degree of comfort in our current zone no matter how 'hard' or relatively uncomfortable this is. It is what we know and usually predictable and we derive a certain degree of comfort from this. Moving out of the 'comfort' zone can make us fearful and our conscious mind and ego will do their best to bring us back to what we know. Most people stay within their 'zone' as change would be too uncomfortable, but those who change are the ones who stay ahead of the pack and lead. Becoming a leader is a central part of being an entrepreneur, you see the opportunity before it even becomes one and this is what sets you apart.For the last 20 years or more the network marketing industry has been at the forefront of the home business industry in the US and to a lesser degree in the UK. Thousands of people have made a living or sometimes a fortune by pitching their family and friends and total strangers. They have spent a huge amount of time hosting home parties and bigger meetings, they have spent hours prospecting on the phone trying to sign up and sell to others and spent thousands of $$ buying leads that might (or might not as is usually the case) prove to be profitable. We all know that the bigger the downline the bigger the pay check at the end of the month. For many thousands this proved to be a very profitable way to spend their time, however, for the majority this proved to be fruitless, soul destroying and bankrupting. Then, as happens in nature a new force comes along that not only challenges the old order but completely obliterates it forever. Those who are able to adapt to the new way survive and those who do not will die - The survival of the fittest.A few years ago a force so powerful, so big, so influential and so new arrived in the world of business. This has completely changed the 'old school' regime and revolutionised how business is done, business will never be conducted the 'old' way again. That 'something' is the 'internet' aka WWW. The internet and related technology has proved that it can reach a much bigger market place - the world. It has shown that it can automate your efforts and can provide leverage by doing the job of many people at once and it can be doing this automatically.Along with this automation and leverage a new business model was born because the old outdated model no longer fit the new system. A model that takes advantage of the new timesaving systems to make life easier more enjoyable and enhancing the quality of life beyond all previous recognition. This is a model for 2010 where 'lifestyle design' and quality of life is king. No more career path, long hours and promotion as we have woken up to the fact that it is what we do 'outside' of work that is the most important.GPT - Get Paid Today is that new business model where a 'downline' is no longer required for you to earn upwards of $5,000 per month; where you no longer have to wait for piddley commission checks because you 'get paid today'; where you no longer earn piddley amounts per sale but earn anywhere between $900 and $9,000 per sale; where you can work 4 or 5 hours per day during hours to suit you. GPT is the new model and is here to stay and smart marketers are now reaping the rewards of embracing this new model.So, stop using the worn out, inefficient and labour intensive old model and upgrade to the new yet proven model for 2010 & join the time and money rich elite who truly do design their dream lives.

Web Marketing 101 - Basics For the Home Based Entrepreneur

If you're anything like me, you like technical things to be explained simply and logically.But if you've ever tried to understand Internet Marketing, nobody would blame you for getting frustrated!Terms like:AdWords
Social Networking
Cost Per Click
Search Engine Optimization and
Page Rank......are just some of the terms that make entrepreneurs run for cover.So what I'm going to do in this article is boil Internet Marketing down to it's 3 basic elements, and then give some explanation for each one.Internet Marketing consists of 3 steps:Get the leads
Turn those leads into prospects
Turn the prospects into clients."But how do I turn my leads into prospects?" I hear you asking.Well, when you get your leads, your next task is to get them to 'Opt-in' by giving you their email address. This could be in exchange for a free report or some other free item of value to them.Your lead is now a prospect because they have entrusted you with their email and have by default agreed that you can send them other information about your Home Based Business. They are now someone that you can sell to.Now you're in a position to present offers to these prospects on a regular basis using 'Auto-Responders'. A quick word about Auto Responders. Auto Responders are systems which allow you to load in your email list and create multiple email messages which are sent out on a regular basis, perhaps twice weekly or weekly - whatever you choose.They save you from having to laboriously send out regular emails to multiple people and can be an effective way of keeping your business in the uppermost part of their minds.Quick note; Emails sent using auto responders must give the prospect the option to 'Unsubscribe' otherwise it could lead to them reporting you.Finally, if the prospect likes what you're sending them, by way of email, you may well gain a paying customer for your home business.And that sums up online marketing; Acquiring leads, inviting them to take action by way of Auto Responders, and taking their order.

Tips to Succeed in MLM Industry

No doubt that MLM is a great home business opportunity to generate more money working form home. You can be your own boss and you can work in flexible hours. There is no end to the amount of money you can earn with MLM and you can quit whenever you want. Many people are failing with MLM because they don't know how to tame the MLM tiger.To start with you have to choose a right MLM company. Search in the internet and get a list of companies that have been in the market for more than two years. Get the highly recommended list form the experts and choose one company from the list.Talk to your upline sponsor and get the success strategy from him. You have to contact the MLM Company often to clear all your doubts about the product. Use the product for yourself and sell your products with a personal touch.Start building your downline from the people who trust you. Talk to your friends and your relatives about the product and its use and sell the products to them. Tell them to join your team to get commissions by selling useful products.Market your MLM business as strong as you can. When you have your business information spread to more people you have the chance to get more people to buy your products. Market your business first and then products. Make use of online and offline advertising techniques to advertise the opportunity and the products.Maintain good relationship with your downline. Provide them with all information they want and help them to make a sale. When you help them to make sales, you are benefited.

The Tortoise and the Hare in MLM

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare, right? They are in a race, the hare starts off fast and looks as though he will win, but he tires himself out and the tortoise wins after all.This story is especially dear to me since I have a pet tortoise. She is stubborn, persistent, and seems to be fearless. I SO admire Gertrude!In the MLM world, I would liken the hare to the person who sponsors a ton of people very fast. This person makes a bunch of money and it looks like they are destined for success. So what's the downside?To be a great leader, you need to take the time to ensure that the people you bring in are successful too. You need to coach and mentor people until they can stand on their own most of the time. Now, if you have a good system to use then some of this work will be done for you. But I feel you still need to make personal contact with your team members to point them to resources, reassure them that they are on the right track when they aren't getting results, and answer their questions. You need to do 3-way calls to their prospects with them, or help them with presentations, until they can do these on their own. How many people can you effectively coach at one time? Maybe 10 or 20? I talked to one man who sponsored 1500 people in a couple of months. How much coaching was going on there? If you can place people under someone else who has time to help them, that is fine. But if you have done a good job of training your people, they won't need you to do that for very long.What I think typically happens to "the hare" in MLM is:People don't duplicate
People drop out
People consider changing sponsorship if possible to find a good coachSo they build a big team fast, but it just might fall apart on them if they don't have some tortoises on their team.What does the tortoise do differently?Builds relationships
Chooses the people they really want on their team
Coachs and mentors everyone until they can work independentlyThe tortoise's team will not grow so fast at first. But it will endure. The people will be loyal and productive because they got the education and help they needed. In the end, the tortoise can retire with a nice residual income because there will be plenty of leaders to keep the team going. And isn't that what we all want from MLM?

Network Marketing Secrets - Achieving Success in the Network Marketing Industry

Since there are large numbers of networking companies that are battling it out in the internet field it is essential to select the job that will be working in the best interest of the worker. There are many network marketing secrets that will help you to greatly prosper in this field.The various tricks of the trade that are being mentioned here will surely be of great use to find the best job that you are looking for. There are many kinds of networking jobs that are available in the internet ranging from affiliate marketing, multi level marketing and many other businesses. It is essential to select the marketing type that will be best working with your favor and there is also need to acquire proper education and knowledge about the marketing strategyKnow the market strategyOne of the important marketing strategies that is key to success in the marketing field is acquiring proper level of knowledge about the various strategies that should be employed to achieve success in this field. Since there are large numbers of people who are involved in this business acquiring good level of knowledge will certainly provide a great deal of edge among others.There are also many advantages which can be obtained since you will know about the implementation procedure of various kinds of strategies at the right moment. You can obtain many strategies from the people who are experts in the field and also their suggestions can provide real time solutions for the various kinds of problems that you are experiencing.Thus the important feature behind obtaining success in this area involves application of right idea at right time which can be obtained with the help of knowledge of various marketing strategies. Also there should be much importance be given during the product selection process to enhance your sales level.


MLM Strategies - How to Choose the Right One For Your Business

So you've decided to start your own MLM business. Congrats! You've found an awesome company with great product and a fantastic compensation plan. All you have to do now is get the word out and get your business booming. Most companies have marketing materials available, but few tell you how to use them effectively. In order to decide which one is right for you, let's look at 3 of the most popular MLM strategies in use today.1. The Traditional Method. This strategy has stood the test of time and is the preferred method of many successful MLM companies. In this method, you spend a lot of time face-to-face with prospective consumers that are interested in your product and / or your business opportunity. In essence, you call up some friends that may be interested in your product, throw a party at someone's house and make a presentation. If you are a natural salesperson with an outgoing personality and tons of acquaintances, this method may work well for you. In order to keep a funnel full of leads, you must be able to network well and get a new list of prospective customers (leads) at each presentation.2. Internet Marketing Method. The accessibility of the internet has spawned a revolution in the way people market their businesses. Suddenly, we can do business with people across the country as easily as the person next door. Of the MLM strategies being used today, this one is certainly gaining the most popularity because of the ease and scalability of it. In order to use this strategy, you will need a website or blog. You then present your products on your website and then drive traffic to it through various types of internet marketing. Those types include pay-per-click (PPC), article marketing, video marketing, e-mail campaigns, or even print advertising. If you are technically savvy, or maybe don't enjoy face-to-face sales as much, this strategy may be for you.3. Lead System Method. This MLM strategy is a hybrid of the two methods. With a lead system, you get the convenience of a website, but you don't necessarily have to be a web expert to get started. A lead system is typically a replicated site that can be branded to look like your own site. It is much easier to set up than your own site and often has the extra advantage of being able to market affiliate products if you wish. You will still need to learn how to drive traffic to the site, but most of the hard work is done for you, usually for a monthly fee. When done correctly, high-quality leads sign up on an e-mail list, and you can communicate with them via e-mail or phone if you wish. This is a slightly more expensive method, but in the long run, it can save you lots of time and money by attracting only those interested in your product. This strategy is still young, but so far, is turning out to be very effective.Because most MLM companies use only the traditional method, in order to take your business to a higher level, you might want to consider one of the newer strategies. They can teach you new skills, and in the process, open up a whole new world and clientele to you.

What Do Online Home Business Opportunity Seekers Really Want?

The most important question you should ask before trying to recruit business partners for your home business is: what do online home business seekers want from their home businesses? The answer to this question will be different from person to person, but if you can answer this question for a wide range of people you will never suffer from the lack of a down-line or business partners to help you grow your business.So, what are people looking for in an online home business?1) Wealth -- This is a primary motivation for many people hoping to work from home. With the job market being bleaker than it has been in recent memory around the world more and more people are turning to the Internet and beginning home businesses in hopes of building an income to make ends meet or to eliminate the need for them to ever be in the same position again.2) Freedom -- Many people do not enjoy being chained to a desk. They want, more than anything, to be able to call their own shots and make their own decisions. A home business to these people represents a future that is no longer chained to the nine to five. It represents the possibility of working at the beach, the coffee shop, or while watching their children playing at the park. Freedom can be a strong motivator so do not underestimate its appeal to potential business partners.3) Time -- Time is the one commodity that can not be bought and sold. You can never get it back once it is lost. The precious moment while children are young, the time to spend with the love of your life, or even the time to be the success you know you can be. Sell potential business partners on the time that can be saved by working at home and you will have them sold on a solid and happy future working from home.The final motivator for online home business opportunity seekers might be a little closer to home than you realize. What is it that sold you on the idea of working from home and building your own business? Use what sold you to sell others on the idea of a bright future ahead.

How to Pick a Direct Sales Opportunity

In today's economic downturn while retail stores are struggling to stay alive, many direct sales companies are doubling or tripling their business. If you are considering joining the ranks of the over 15 million people in the United States who are independent consultants in direct sales companies, the information in this article may save you time, energy and money.Whatever your reason for considering a direct sales position, you need to know how much money you will net and how much time you will have to invest in order to earn it. It is possible to spend more money with your company than you are netting from sales and commissions. There are hidden costs to being in direct sales that you may discover only over time - unless you know the questions to ask up front, many of which are listed below.Company Reputation:One of the best resources to help with the search for the right company is the website of the Direct Sales Association. This organization represents the top direct sales companies in the United States and has a Code of Ethics to which member companies must adhere. For more information, you might want to search the Internet for the company name and words like "fraud" and "lawsuit." Do you know an independent consultant in this company? What is his/her professional reputation? Is the product high quality, and can you represent it passionately and knowledgeably?Up-Front Costs:Up-front costs include the initial investment (what does it include?), additional samples you are expected to purchase (how often, costs, can you "earn" them?) and sales supplies (how often do new catalogues come out?). They could also include business cards and items to display your wares (clothes racks, jewelry cases, display boxes, etc.) Do you have adequate computing power, including current software, to manage your new business?Hidden Costs:Hidden costs may include administrative fees (what is covered?), credit card processing fees, shipping fees and restocking fees on returns. If the company offers "host" awards for the host/hostess who has an event for you, who pays for the awards (does it come out of your commission)? Does the company provide a personal website and/or e-newsletter, and if so, what do they charge for them?Compensation:What is your initial compensation on sales, and can it increase? How much are you committed to sell to stay "authorized"? Is there a penalty if you miss that quota? What is the average sales of an event/party (what is your take-home)? What is the commission plan for recruiting (how many people, what does it take for them to stay active so you are paid on them, do you have to increase your recruiting to maintain a team commission)? Is there a quota on you or your team to receive commissions? What happens to your status if you miss a certain time period of achieving that quota? Is there a bonus program (is it achievable)?Leadership/Training:What type of training program is available through the company? What is the expectation for a manager or leader for their mentoring/training of the recruits? Are managers/leaders encouraged to continue to sell, or do they "retire" on commission from their recruits? What is their incentive to stay active in sales?The answers to these questions vary significantly across direct sales organizations, and if you don't ask before you invest your time and energy in the company, you may find out several months later that you can't make a decent income because of the hidden costs and penalties. If you can't find the answers to these questions from the company, ask the person who wants to recruit you. If the answers to the above questions are positive, the company won't mind sharing them with you, and if no one is willing to provide straight answers, you know not to invest your time and resources.

Monavie - Expert Product and Business Opportunity Review

Monavie is one of the largest network and multilevel marketing opportunities and have achieved a solid status in the health and wellness industry. Many today are looking to make some extra money and the network marketing industry is going through a boom, but is Monavie the answer to your search?Monavie's main product line is based upon a blend of natural super fruits into a bottled juice. There are nearly six different flavors and varieties to help with the many different needs of the human body. The main ingredient is the Acai which is touted as containing essential anthocyanins, these are a powerful group of antioxidants to help fight off free radicals that are known to be cancer causing or disease causing agents in the body.The company uses direct sellers (network marketers) to distribute it's product around the world through an independent business opportunity. Through Network marketing to friends, family and of online, members could create an income through the retail sales and autoships of the product. Multilevel marketing could create more income as a member build his or hers down line by signing up others into their own business opportunity with Monavie.The compensation plan is built on not only the retail sales of the individual, but also upon the purchases and sales of their down line which is a binary plan. The payout is based upon a Personal Volume (PV) and other volume based retention. The independent distributor will need to retain a certain amount of point volume receive the bonus money stated on the compensation plan which can be found on the website. Network marketing with friends and family will probably be a must at first to retain the 100PV needed to qualify for any compensation to begin. Marketing online will also be a valuable platform to help grow a business opportunity with Monavie. For those with experience in Internet marketing this could be the best way to begin and avoid the sometimes hassle of selling to friends and family.There is a high attrition rate in the health and wellness based industry, it has by far the most competition of the MLM opportunities out there. Learning to brand yourself effectively online and offline will be a very necessary step that would need to be taken. Learning to effectively market online to gather traffic will also help to see your possible opportunity with this business grow. The product with Monavie is a good product but the high cost will have to overcome through solid salesmanship. The compensation plan is very similar to many of it's competitors plans and it will be a must to do your due diligence completely to make sure that this opportunity for your own business is right for you.

Network Marketing For the Beginner

Several people have written books on Network Marketing. I have actually thought about writing a eBook on the topic myself, and maybe I still will. But some of my favorite authors and mentors such as Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn have had seminars on this very subject and I like what they all have had to say.The very first "thing" one needs in order to be successful in network marketing, or anything for that matter, they need to have a big or great desire for what it is they are about to embark upon. Before you achieve anything that desire must be there. Your desire must be definite. You must continuously invest yourself in the goal you desire until it becomes the dominating obsession in your life. I can remember when I began my career in MLM, I would have my goals and desires written out clear as day, and I would have it pasted on my shaving mirror, so I would have to see it everyday. Its important you read or take notice to your desire multiple times a day.The next step one must do in order to be successful in network marketing, is you must create yourself a plan to achieve what it is you desire. Be as definitive as possible in every area. Being vague will not cut it at all. Please understand this, and do not cheat yourself. Define a definite time frame, with a date of completion. And then begin implementing your plan of action at once.One must have a clear, and concise statement written out for their plan of action. Without a clear and concise statement, clearly explaining what you will have, when you will have it, and how you will do it, you will not reach your goal as intended. One should read their statement aloud, at least twice daily, take constant, consistent action!There is a phrase that says "Professionals sort, amateurs sell." What this means is that its best to have people join you who want to do the business, as opposed to just wanting to buy the products that your MLM opportunity offers. You can't move on with people who are not ready to start a business. Don't try to sell them on your opportunity. You are not an amateur, and we said amateurs sell.You want people who are like dry wood, ready to be set on fire. Wet wood is not going to get going, and will not burn. You can't take someone who is not ready to start a business and turn them into someone who is ready to start a business, not without a lot of time and effort on your part.This is key point four, something that most network marketers miss entirely throughout their career in MLM, and most end up quitting before achieving any success. And it is this, the absolute best way to fund a business is by something called a funded proposal. This is something that allows one to make money on the front end by selling a product, by the way of a ebook, tele-seminar, or a presentation, allowing you to make money before anyone even joins your MLM opportunity. Now you have leads and prospects that have already purchased from you and can now sort through like a professional instead of an amateur, whom you can now invite to join you in your business.The reason you do this is because you immediately separate the folk who are just window shopping, tire kicking, and plain as day are not serious like true entrepreneurs who are ready to invest. It's much more profitable to promote your opportunity to people who are buyers. And the way that you do that is to offer a low ticket item on the front end, then you monetize by up selling other items on the back end including your opportunity.

Network Marketers Learn a Harsh Lesson From the iLearning Global School of Hard Knocks

Not too long ago another company called XLR8 closed down it's MLM portion of their company and now another well-known company, known as iLearning Global, has done the same thing.And that's just it -- this is not the first time something like this has happened and believe you me, it's also not the last time.This is why I always advise Network Marketers to be mindful when joining these new or new'ish programs out there. I don't care how hyped up they make it sound...I don't care how they claim there is "no other MLM company doing or offering what they're doing or offering"...and I certainly don't care what "big name" they are tossing around who endorses it!You have to use your head and make a decision based on facts and good sound information rather than emotion and hype.So here are some things to keep in mind when you are trying to decide on a company to join so that this doesn't happen to YOU:1. Do Your Homework! We have been somewhat "programmed" since school age to hate homework, but when it comes to making a decision about something that will affect your finances and possibly even your family then you'd better make darned sure you get over the "I hate homework" syndrome and study up on whatever company you are looking into joining!2. Find Out If This Company Is Solid Across The Board. While doing your homework make sure that the company is built on a strong, solid foundation, that the compensation plan is going to allow you to make the type of income you desire to make and that people are achieving what you desire IN that company! You also want to find out how long they've been around...if less than 12-18 months, fugget about it! Also, make sure they are not going to be banned across the globe! Another well-known company is getting all kinds of heat because they are being banned from doing business in certain states, but that's for a different post. But make sure that everything is on the up and up.3. Get With A Solid Team. Make sure that whatever company you join, ESPECIALLY if you are new to Network Marketing, that you get with a team who is making things happen and can help you to do the same. Can you succeed without one? Of course if you are willing to MAKE it happen on your own. But it's just so much nicer and easier when you have that support system in place. And speaking of system...4. Make Sure There Is A System In Place. There is nothing worse than getting into a company and having to just figure it out as you go. That is one of the reasons so many end up quitting this industry because there is no SYSTEM (Save Your Sanity Time & Energy) in place to use and teach their new reps to use. So find out if there is a proven-to-work system in place either in the company of your choosing, amongst the team you partner up with, or both.5. Position Yourself To Still Make Money Even If The Unthinkable Happens! One of the things I know of a few of the folks who were left MLM homeless is that they are not sitting at home worrying and sweating bullets over this. Many are...but some are not. Why is it that some of these people are still cool as a cucumber and still making money? Because they learned "the secret"...they learned the importance of:a.) Branding THEMSELVES and not a company and... b.) Positioning themselves in such a way that they make money whether someone joins their business or not and whether they still HAVE a business or not. That is what you need to do as well.


How Much Time Does it Take to Build a Network Marketing Business?

The question most people have or one of the objections that they use, is that they say they do not have enough time to build a network marketing business. Now, how much time does it take? I will say that in your current position, how much time does your boss expect you to put into your job? Part-time you put in anywhere from 8 hours up to 32 hours a week and full time you put in over 40 hours. Now, you are your own boss in your network business, so how many hours do you want to have your employee, which is you work? Now, if you are trying to supplement your income and you had to go out and get a second job, how many hours would you work to generate the income you want? You will hear most people say 5-10 hours a week part time. Now, if you want to make a few bucks, then sure, but you need to make your time count and starting out, do not look for the huge incomes, expect 10-20 dollars residual. It will build, but do not expect the unexpected right away.Now, many people decide to take their business full time too early. This will add pressures to you to fast and you will begin to hate it very quickly. I tell people, set your baseline the day you start. How much money do you bring in per month from your primary source of income. You do not want to have to live in poverty to build a business. Now, if it takes $6000 to replace your primary income, you should not go full time until you are there. This is where it places a lot of stress on many marriages, because a spouse will expect the other to carry the weight. Then the spouse hates the business and it drives a wedge between the two.In your current job, you are expected to be on the job from a start time to a quitting time every day. In network marketing, you need to seek opportunities. Do not let an opportunity go by that you can not get back, This includes talking to someone that has a need, want and desire to resolve an issue your product can help them with. Also, you do not have to be working your business in 8 hours or 4 hour segments. Grab the 15 minutes through out the day. They all add up. If it takes several years or even 10 years, would time and financial security be worth it? Of course. Invest in yourself with the time. Do not fall into the traps of non-productive work of cleaning the desk and organizing emails, if your not talking to someone about the product and moving the product, then you are wasting your time. Look into the mirror every day and ask if you were the persons boss, would you be excited to pay the person or would you have them on the firing line?

Competition Bashing is Bad For Your Image

Someone approached me on Facebook and was trying to get me to look at her product. When I wasn't interested, she used totally the wrong approach!This woman sells a nutritional product. I told her I am quite happy with the products I use because I feel great. She proceeded to tell me about all of the great independent research on her product, and said that my company has no research (I never told her what products I take, she is making an assumption based on something.) When I told her that how I feel is the most important thing to me, she told me that my feeling great is simply the placebo effect. Can you imagine? How arrogant! When I told her that her approach is all wrong, she called me closed-minded and said she felt sorry for me! Man, oh man, where do I begin?Now, a lack of independent research would not prove that a product is ineffective. But that's not the point. The point is that bashing the competition:
Reflects poorly on you as an individual
Reflects poorly on your company
Reflects poorly on the industry
The first point is rather obvious; my mother always said, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."How does it reflect poorly on your company? Well, people in MLM talk about duplication all of the time. It means that you teach your people how to market, they teach their people the same techniques, and so on. So it's reasonable to assume that she learned this from her upline, who learned it from their upline, and so on. I have in fact heard other distributors from her company talk about their research. I just never heard them go so far as to use the placebo effect argument. So, I don't know for sure if she came up with that on her own or if someone taught her, but the possibility exists that she was taught. In any company, when you see someone using a particular tactic, you wonder if they devised it on their own or if the company is responsible for teaching people to do it that way.As far as the industry goes, if people see lots of distributors bashing each other's company, they begin to assume our industry is just like politics. How do most people feel about politicians? They trust them about as far as they can throw them. Why? Because they are always engaged in mud-slinging. In any sales situation, if you spend more time slinging mud at the competition than you do explaining the benefits of what you offer, people wonder if you do in fact offer anything of value!When someone says they are happy with their current product, the proper response is, "that's great, I am glad you found something you like." If someone mentions they are considering another product or company, if you have heard that some people like it, the proper response is "I have heard they have a good product too" or "I know some people who love that company." If you have never heard of that product or company you could say, "I haven't heard of that one, but there are many great products on the market" or "there are many good companies to consider." Then proceed to focus on the benefits of your product or company without bashing anyone else's!This approach will gain you respect, and make you appear very confident. They will be thinking, "if she is willing to compliment another company, her company must really be great!"

What Does the Best Business, Home Opportunity Look Like?

You want the best business home opportunity, as none of us want to waste our time, or hard earned cash, on programs which, promise the world but end up, once again, just taking your money. Taking your money and feathering someone else's nest thereby complicating an already desperate situation. We must apply some basic principles to help us screen the myriad of opportunities which will come our way.To secure an honest and reliable best business home opportunity, what is the 'rule of thumb'? There are many criteria which you should look for, as technology has made a way for all of these points to be available.
You don't want to lay out a small fortune.
You don't want it to take years to show a profit.
You don't want to be handling stock and filling orders.
You don't want to have to cold call and speak to strangers.
You also don't want to have to try to sponsor your loud-mouthed brother-in-law.
You want to know you have support and help when you need it.
You want a system which is proven to work. An automated system which can be utilised from your own home in our pyjamas.
You want to know you have a mentor to help you succeed.
You want to know that you can achieve residual income to retire on.
You want products and services that you can believe in.
You want to know you get paid in cash, not bonuses, discounts, or some other cute way of not paying you your full worth.
You want to know your payment is simple to receive.
You want to know that you can make reasonable money and not just keep feeding your up line.
You want to know that the training and education are ongoing.
You want to enjoy the journey.To have a successful best business home opportunity, these are just some of the requirements and depending on personal preferences, there will be more. Sit down and write out your own list of requirements and don't wander from them as you need to set a standard and stick to it. Of course it goes without saying; the main ingredient is for you to be willing to put in some serious work to make it happen. The best business on the planet is worthless if you are not willing to put in the time to make it work. You must be willing to be trained in the ways of your business to develop the skills to make it work. Systems and technology can make it as simple as possible, but it still takes your effort to make it a complete success. There are opportunities out there where the systems will do 95% of the work, but the other 5% is your valuable input, to personalise your business and shape your own future.Once you have selected your best business home opportunity, be willing to learn the systems as quickly as possible, for the quicker you will understand the basic principles for success in your business, the sooner you will achieve that success. Be a 'sponge' for information and a 'work-horse' in applying that information.Where applicable, as you work your best business home opportunity, re-invest any early money made back into growing your business, but don't forget to give yourself small rewards for achievements along the way. You need to be encouraged for all of the hard work, so being able to treat yourself now and again is essential for your continued commitment. Occasionally, take time out to reflect on how you are proceeding and if there are some steps you could do better. Keep fine tuning your game plan.

Ideas on How to Build Your Business For Free

Ideas on how you can build your business for free. The internet has many ways of making money online. Here are only a few that will help you start, but you will need to work at them.1) List building.This is the biggest thing for you. Nothing happens with out a list. The way to build that list is using different ways to get your audience to trust you. A mailing list. Better yet an autoresponder will help you get your products or services in front of your list on a daily basis. The great thing about auto responders is your can preload them with messages.2) Networking Forums.If you are on Facebook or Twitter or any of those forums you are building a list.Find who the top people in your company are. Use them as well as their friends to help you build that list.3) Use blogs.Using this way you are building trust between you and your list. They can come and read your information when they choose. There are many blogs out there you can sign up for and drive people to your site. There are lots of free blogs to choose from. You can choose to opt-it to some of their services if you like.These are only a few ways to make money online. There are almost an unlimited possibilities of doing so.You can find a lot more by visiting some marketing forums and research the niche you are trying to market.

Put "Network" Before "Marketing"

All too often, when we start a MLM business our focus is on how soon we can make some money. While we may be trained to start our relationship with the "F.O.R.M." questions, we ask them with our agenda in the back of our minds. We are in a hurry to tell them about our product or opportunity, since we've been taught that "everyone needs this!"What would happen if your only agenda was to make new friends? When you have a chance to meet someone new, just "connect" by asking questions they would love to answer, questions that get them to open up about what is good in their life. Do not ask anything that might make them feel negative. Here are some examples:Ask how they got into their profession
Ask what they like about their job, not what they don't like
Ask what makes their company different from others in the industry
Ask about their hobbies
Ask about their favorite vacation spotThe goal is to find out how you can help them, how you can add value to their life. If you discover things you have in common that is great too because that could give you more ideas about how to add value.What do I mean by adding value? Can you refer them to a person or business that can help them? Can you refer someone else to them? It is very powerful when you can start a connection between two people you know who can benefit each other. In this way, you can build relationships even with people who are currently competitors of yours. You never know when things will change and you might be able to work together. You can also pass along anything of personal value, like information about a sale at a store you both like or something their kids would be interested in. Just be sure you are helpful and not annoying.Do you see how it takes the pressure off both of you, when your only goal is to build a friendship? Sure, you say, sounds like fun. But how do I make any money?Good question. Think about these things:Some people you meet have no interest in your product or business; they are not prospects now
Everyone is a potential new friend
Most people want to know, like, and trust someone before they do any business with them
People don't care what you know until they know that you care. They want to matter to you.Does true networking take time? Yes! Is it worthwhile? I think patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait. What do you think?

Revolucion Review - Does Revolucion World Wide Really Have a Revolutionary Business Model?

Revolucion World Wide is a new direct sales company that launched in February and the founders have big plans for its future. This Revolucion Review will offer my perspective on whether its a legitimate business opportunity or a Revolucion World Wide Scam. This is my opinion, but after much experience in both network marketing and health, I am pretty keen when it comes to scoping out the true diamonds.So now let us dive in. Shall we?Direct selling is really just a fancy way of saying marketing and selling products directly to the consumers. This cuts down the price the product is sold for as this method essentially eliminates the "middle man." Why is this beneficial for the Revolucion World Wide distributor? Direct selling allows the cost of a product to be drastically reduced, thus, it is more attractive to the potential consumer. With direct sales, sales are typically made through friends and family, party plans, presentations, and other personal contact arrangements.Based on my experience, there are several factors that contribute to the success of a new company such as Revolucion World Wide. A company MUST have a great product, must possess GREAT leadership, and have a UNIQUE marketing plan that positions themselves in front of the masses.Revolucion World Wide Products: Revolucion offers whole food nutritional beverages; an energy drink (START) and an antioxidant drink (DEFENSE). They plan to introduce weight loss products, and herbal drinks in the near future. Though there is a tremendous amount of competition in the health market, there IS an enormous target market; everyone. What could set these products apart from all the others? The Revolucion products contain no synthetic vitamins, colors, or sweeteners.Revolucion World Wide Marketing plan: Honestly, I do not see anything too electrifying about their compensation plan. You earn money by sponsoring people below you that buy product and/or sponsor more people into the company. On a good note, the initial sign up fee is relatively low.Revolucion World Wide Leadership: This is where the company shines. The leadership team consists of a diverse bunch; indivudals who are use to be being in the spotlight and in the business world. They all seem to have a unique intersest in health.Revolucion World Wide has some things going for it, HOWEVER, I will shed some light on the MOST important factor that determines true success.Sadly, MOST, if not all network marketers, evaluate an opportunity by placing so much emphasis on the product and the leadership behind it. The TOP entrepreneurs, the ones bringing home the MEGA bucks, know that the product is virtually useless unless you know how to MARKET it. A product does not sell itself. This is where most newbie distributors fail. They naively think because a product is good, they will have people lining up, and their financial dreams are around the corner.The best product in the world CANNOT sell itself. Revolucion World Wide claims to have invested much thought into the marketing of their products, setting the Revolucion distributor up for success. Amongst other methods, Revolucion plans to participate in online advertising, driving traffic to the Revolucion distributors websites.To the new marketer, this may sound attractive. The distinguished marketer knows this Revolucion advertising plan means nothing to them. It will benefit the company itself, but not the distributors. Leaders must market themselves and NEVER rely on generic advertising. Your success as a marketer lies in YOUR hands, not the companies. I have been fortunate enough to be a part of those who understand this basic concept learn how to generate endless cash flow.


Isn't Network Marketing Exploiting My Friends and Relatives?

Let me ask you, when you were in grade school, and had to do a fund raiser and you brought the fliers home, was that a way to exploit your friends and family. Yes, you truly are a network marketer at a young age and you do it for the prizes and the charity your doing the fundraiser is the real winner. Now, I bet you did not think that at the young age like you do now. Why is that? Now, I will tell you that if you are guilting people into buying from you then you are! But let me ask you, if you had a son or daughter and they were getting their drivers license and needed a sound car, are you exploiting them if you are a car salesman and want to get them the best deal?This is the biggest reason why I will teach you not to involve your friends and family, unless they ask you. Now, if you have sun screen and and you know people with fair skin, would you be selling it in Florida, Texas, Arizona, or California? Now, if it was the best sunscreen would you sell it to your family located there? Now would you be selling it to people in Fairbanks, Alaska and in the middle of winter? Of course not. Now, let me ask you, what was the difference? You found people with a need, and it was in a targeted market, and you wanted to prevent a problem. This is why I talk about targeting prospects for your products, because does it include just your friends and family? No! Does it exclude some of your friends and family? Yes! Now, you know that if you have a superior product, and maybe the competition only handles UV rating of 2, but yours protects through UV of 45, if you do not tell people you know about it, do you really want the best for them?It really comes back to, what is your motivation to talking to your friends and family? Is it getting them selling a product that they do not need, and it just will help you rise in ranks? Or are you giving them value, you are showing them how it works and letting them know you will be making money from the product, and you offer, you do not pressure them, on an opportunity to make money from something they already use.I hope this helps you get through your thoughts and beliefs and if it was a road block before, it opens the avenues. I know all network marketing companies tell you to talk to all your family and friends and that will not work, so give yourself permission to exclude them.

MLM Genealogy Lead - Why Not?

Working MLM genealogy lead lists can be an effective method of building your network marketing business. This is because one of the biggest obstacles you face in recruiting has already been demolished for you; getting the prospect to believe in network marketing as a viable and legitimate business model. However, it is well known that MLM genealogy lead lists are far from perfect. The prospect you call on a genealogy list may be quite pleased, with the opportunity they are in right now and not really looking for another business opportunity.MLM genealogy lists usually consist of a heavy hitters downline report, who has since left the industry. The problem with calling a genealogy lead is that 50% of it could be inaccurate due to the lists being old. The genealogy lead you try calling could be an inactive distributor and not interested in the industry at all. One of the biggest dangers of working MLM genealogy leads is the Do-Not-Call Registry.The number of phone numbers listed under the Do-Not-call registry recently surpassed 100 million. That is a significant number, the registration has only been in operation for a few years. People are wising up to the kind of marketing being offered network marketers. Some network marketers, who have already left the industry are almost guaranteed to have their number listed in the DNC.A recent study saw 100,000 MLM genealogy leads being run through, what is called a DNC scrubbing process and the study found, that over a third were on the Do-Not-call registry. It gets even worse, in the North-eastern states of the USA that number went up to 50%. If you are going to call an MLM genealogy lead anyway, make sure you have that list run through the DO-Not-Call registry, this is for your protection. Some companies provide this type of service already, make sure you find one with a good reputation.There are plenty of reasons to not call an MLM genealogy lead or use genealogy lists, the downsides simply outweigh the upsides. You may get lucky and sponsor a heavy hitter into your business but business isn't about luck. The only advantage of MLM genealogy lists are the price. They are very cheap, when compared to other lead companies like MLM lead genie.But be that as it may leads are the lifeblood of any network marketers business. The demand for leads in this industry has grown to gargantuan levels over the last few years it has had a massive impact on the quality of the leads you buy. MLM leads sometimes fill in bogus information, register with the DNC Directory, and then say they have not filled out a form of any kind. Most of these people just want to be left alone, they are interested in a business opportunity but only, in their own time and when they are ready.There are many ways to build your business and I definitely do not recommend calling a genealogy lead. In fact the one thing I do recommend you do is to learn internet marketing skills and start to generate your own. MLM genealogy lists are far from perfect, I hear some lead companies chanting 'buy MLM lead' but take it from me, an MLM genealogy lead is now obsolete thanks to the internet.The best MLM lead is a targeted MLM lead and they do not get any more targeted, than leads you generate through your own marketing skills.

How to Be Successful in the Home-Based Business Arena

If you are looking into joining an MLM company (also known as network marketing companies), or you are currently involved in one, or was once involved in an MLM, then this phrase must be familiar to you...'make a list of friends and family'. If you are anything like me, you must be really frustrated with this phrase, as you are aware that most often than not this strategy simply doesn't work.Another frustrating phrase is...'talk to as many people as you can'. This in other words means pitching your sales-story to strangers, assuming that all their life they were waiting for this moment, and they will jump in the boat too and will make you rich! However, an interesting analogy is, that if you become a teacher you don't 'pester' others to become a teacher too and work at your school?!After trying a couple of these strategies, one becomes to realize how frustrating this is and most often than not will lead you nowhere or with just a couple of dollars, which is not much compared to the hard work you put in, or worse off spending more than you are earning.Why do most people fail?A lot of people are shown a different view of the business model. A lot of people are told that there is no selling involved, and that the products are so good that they sell for themselves. 'Once people try, they will buy for themselves and their family...', the pitch goes. This myth is misleading, and brings a false relief to people who don't like selling. However, people, with no experience of sales and no proper training in marketing and business, struggle desperately, often quitting within a few months. Some people might even join another MLM company, thinking that the problem is the company - but they are wrong.THE MAIN PROBLEM is marketing - most often people are not taught how to market effectively. What you want is people being 'attracted' to you and calling you to join your business. And this is done through learning how to market correctly, and through learning how to brand you as the expert. If you haven't read Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring, then visit my blog (link below) and grab a copy today (will find a link to it in my blog under Your Resources and Your Library Tabs), as it will change your outlook in how business is done.In addition, people are given false beliefs that by joining an MLM one is going to become rich instantly. You can make money in network marketing, but it takes determination, hard work and patience, plus the PROPER TRAINING. Unfortunately, most of the training of most MLM companies is 'outdated, offline-only, old-school techniques', which although might work for a few, there are other cutting-edge marketing strategies (based on science) that can actually guarantee you results if implemented persistently.another problem people involved in an MLM company face is the attrition rate. The ratio at which people join your team and the amount of people who quit is horrendous. You find yourself training someone to leave you for another company. This can easily be resolved by giving your team proper 'modern' marketing strategies which actually work. Once they see that it's working, they view you as an expert, and would want to continue being in your team.So How do People Earn The Big Money in Network Marketing?From research of different MLM's brochures and website, in the success stories page, one always finds in small print that the typical annual gross income is much much less than otherwise advertised. A lot of articles state that 97% fail in the network marketing industry with only less than 3% actually live the life that is often the bait to many to enter the network marketing industry. While I won't be going into the exact numbers, it is a fact that only a handful succeed to earn a substantial income from their MLM business. MLM is often compared to a pyramid scheme where the bottom people 'slave', so that the few at the top become richer and richer at their expense.However, it is important to note that those who have made it to the top, have done so through a lot of hard work, maybe luck too. For sure they didn't do it just through talking to family and friends. A probable answer is that they might have already had a large network of people, which made their list of family and friends much longer than yours. It could also be that they had a background in sales. An interesting fact is that if someone sticks to the same company for 10 years, they are in the running of becoming part of the top few - but could this also mean that they were persistent, worked hard towards their goal, had a vision and did not give up easily?Is There A Future For Me in Network Marketing?Nowadays, there are different strategies of how to go about your MLM business, and achieve success - dare I say it... guaranteed success. But this is achieved through the correct training, and being determined to put in the hard work. The get-rich-quick-and-easy mentality does not work. My favourite strategies that I personally use are:1. an attraction-marketing based system that teaches me how to market successfully to the target people that I want and who are interested in what I have to say. I don't waste my time giving meetings to people who are not interested, and only end up buying because they pity me.2. the second strategy is providing free valuable information first, and building a relationship with my readers, while branding myself as an expert and positioning myself as the-person-to-go-to in my industry. And this I do through my own self-hosted blog.

How to Win in Network Marketing

To win in Network Marketing you must stop listening to people who mislead you with your primary company. Many people are not telling you the truth how their making money in the industry. Why? Some don't know anything about how to build a strong organize or team. The true is their hoping you don't quit the team. Here's a golden nugget for those who take out the time to read this article.Start with an affiliate marketing system that will generate upfront cash flow for your business. This will allow you to out shine 97% of Network Marketing struggling in the industry. With an affiliate money making system it will open up the door for you to build lucrative multiple streams of income and list of buyers for your sales funnel. When the money comes into your ClickBank account use it for your marketing expenses for your business. Keep in mind affiliate marketing can position you to fire your boss. This gives you leverage to focus more on building a network marketing business from home. The powerful secrets on affiliate money making system can change how you do business online.The second key to winning in Network Marketing is using an attraction marketing system that will run on auto-pilot to produce endless leads for your business. Attraction marketing system that has video training to share marketing strategies and methods from all areas to driving traffic to your blog or landing page. Using methods that have been proven over and over like the following:ProspectingClosingAttraction Marketing SystemArticle Marketing Video MarketingSearch Engine Optimization BloggingWeb 2.0PPCHere are some simple areas to focus on with your marketing campaign for your business. Learn to take your time building your skill set and have fun doing it. Understand it takes time to build a network marketing company when you're a newbie in the industry. It's a smart idea to educate yourself on marketing techniques that will position you to generate wealth. No matter your network marketing company name it comes down to marketing. The reason 3% are successful in the network marketing is because we use the art and science of marketing to make the big checks.To learn more on how to build upfront capital with Affiliate making money online and attraction marketing system go to http://affiliate4dayworkwk.blogspot.com/.

Time Management in an Online Business System

One of the biggest things plaguing home based business entrepreneurs is time management. Since we do not have someone setting our schedules and making sure our duties are accomplished, it is our responsibility to ensure that our time is spent wisely. This is true for those that have a solo work from home business as well as those involved in an online business system, as this is what will make your business profitable. If you have members in your team, you will need to figure out how to spend your own time so you can teach your team how to which is a definite win-win situation.Recently I was reminded of "The Pareto Principle: The 20/80 Principle". I was re-reading "Developing the Leader Within You" by John C Maxwell, and states this principle as this. "20 percent of your priorities will give you 80 percent of your production IF you spend your time, energy, money, and personnel on the top 20 percent of your priorities." What I read into this principle is simply send 80 percent of your time on the 20 percent of activities that are most profitable. Leave the 80 percent of duties that are not money making till you have the time, or get someone else to do them if you are able to would be even better.You can never overestimate the unimportance of practically everything.As I am sure everyone in Network Marketing or MLM business has heard, "It is not how hard your work; it is how smart you work." We have all shuffled papers, answered emails and phone calls that have tied up our entire day which has produced little to no profit to our business. If you figure out what gives you the most profit, or those people that are most productive and spend your time dealing with those, you are on a great road for success.Efficiency is the foundation for survival. Effectiveness is the foundation for success.Figuring out what the top 20 percent profit makers are, but here is a hint that I learned at one of the trainings I attended. Make a list of everything that makes up your business, and write everything - tasks and people. Now look at each and think "If this has a negative action against me, what will the impact likely be?" If it can hurt your business, put a check beside it. If it will not impede or harm your bottom too much, leave it. The ones with the checks are the ones that make up the 20 percent and the ones you should spend the majority of your time looking after. This little trick has helped me with my online business, so I hope you find it useful as well.

Team Internet Business

There are a lot of different businesses online today. Most businesses out there are generally run by one person. He or she will ultimately do most of the work, and can often be too much to handle for themselves.If you are considering an online business and want to share the workload of that business, being involved in a team environment may be an option for you! There are many benefits to a team business.Firstly, all team members are contributing and will enable the work to get done faster making the business more efficient. Also, many issues can be resolved together, almost like being involved in a forum. Ideas can be discussed through several members of your team to keep each other motivated.Another advantage is with more members within the business, the more knowledge is available. Also if every member is contributing through their marketing efforts, the business is likely to expand.There can unfortunately be some negative aspects to a team business. There are bound to be issues between members. Everyone has their opinion that others may disagree with. Also, with more team members in the business, more need to be paid. If the work is not shared equally, the profits must be divided. All these issues can be resolved easily with a proper business plan from the start.A team online business is a viable option in comparison to a solo online business. Tasks can be performed quicker and the opportunity for growth is almost inevitable. Careful planning from the start will give your business every chance to succeed. A team internet business is a great option to create an income online.


MLM Or Top Tier Direct Network Marketing - Part 1 of 4

Are you interested in becoming an entrepreneur by getting involved with MLM or Top Tier Direct Network Marketing? Why is that? Why do you want to get out of your traditional day job? Why do you want out of your brick & mortar business? Without a job? Why not just find another one?Are you finally tired of the fact that you have little to no flexibility? Hate the feeling that something owns you instead of you owning it? With the recession, you just can't find a job paying you even close to what your last paycheck was. There is just no light ahead for many that are choosing to stay in their situation. Not willing to explore other opportunities that are considered "outside of the box".ChoicesBut that's exactly what they are, choices. We make choices every day, even if we don't think so, we do. We choose to get out of bed, brush our teeth, eat breakfast and do whatever means to get us a paycheck.Some have a rude awakening at one point of their life. They realize they are just spinning their wheels. Caught up in the rat race, that really isn't going anywhere. They have other aspirations but just can't get their hands around it. Desires to have more for their family and want more out of life. So when does it stop, if ever?Time To Reflect?The time to reflect usually happens during a devastating time in life. Whether you unexpectedly get laid off from your job, your company went under and now you're bankrupt, or maybe you lost a loved one. All of these help people take a good look in the mirror and begin to realize the importance of a quality life.So why is it that you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur with MLM or Top Tier? Do any of these scenarios apply to you? Or are you just one of those really smart, savvy business people who get simple economics?

Internet and Network Marketing - How Does the Internet and Network Marketing Relate to Each Other?

I have been told, that at least 50 million people all over the world are engaged in some kind of Network Marketing. Why is that? It is because people are not stupid, and it does not take a financial expert to see, that times have changed. No employment or pension is secure anymore, and we as individuals have to think in terms of taking charge of our own life and thinking in completely new ways of making a living.Remember: To get what you have never had, you have to do what you have never done...Network Marketing contains that. A way out of the rat race...To do Network Marketing successfully, you need to get in contact with a lot of other people to create a network of people you can do business with. In the days where the concept of network marketing was developed, the networking part was naturally based on personal contact and the telephone. The amount of people to reach at a time was limited to how many people you were able to gather at a meeting or how may people you could call in a day. From this comes probably the phrase: "It is a numbers game. You just have to talk to enough people to get success."There was no internet at the time, so we have to bear with them ;-)Today the internet is a HUGE, unbelievably fast growing and very effective way to reach out to thousands and thousands of people. In a way, it is still a numbers game, but do you believe that the numbers are just a teeny weeny bit bigger than before? And there are numerous ways to let people find YOU, instead of you chasing THEM. THAT is the only logical way to approach network marketing today. Many, many people are already using the internet to promote their business. But most of them do not even begin to understand its full potential. To do that, you must be willing to spend the time and effort that it takes to gradually learn how you can use it.Do not try to figure it all out by yourself!It does not require a higher technical examination but you can easily get lost in the vast jungle of different concepts and options. With the right teachers who really know what they are talking about you can learn, step by step, to navigate around on the internet, to benefit from its huge potential and possibilities and choose exactly THE marketing strategy, that is right for YOU.I repeat: To get what you have never had, you have to do what you have never done... But who said you have to do it alone?

Internet Network Marketing by Email - The Subject Line Matters

Internet network marketing is work. There is no two ways about it. It takes time to research the best places to market, time to write the ad copy, time to put the ad copy into the autoresponder and time to monitor and analyze an ad's performance.Most internet marketers try an email campaign and do not have too much success getting people to open and respond to the email. Here are some things you can do to entice your reader to open the email and read your offer.Your Subject LineIt is crucial that what you write for your subject be punchy and appealing. Stay away from exaggerated claims and outright lies. Do not claim to be someone you are not. We have all had emails with subjects that say things like "You have won..." or "Re: Your Electric Bill." Not only are they annoying, any kind of lying is not ethical and will not build goodwill with your email list.Do not yell at your potential customer by using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS IN YOUR SUBJECT LINE. As you can see, the effect of using all capital letters is quite jarring.Give the potential customer something that is really valuable that he or she can use immediately. Announce the free gift in your subject line staring with the word "free, " such as "Free pet food discount code inside"Start your subject line with the word "stop, " as in "STOP! Free software program to automate your email list." People are conditioned to follow the "stop" command. The customer may not open your email (unless you have a punchy, enticing subject line following the word "stop"), but they will almost automatically read any subject followed by the word "stop." They just cannot help themselves.Asking your potential customers a question in the subject line is also a good way to encourage them to open and read your email. Something like "Do you suffer from ________?" or "How long has it been since you __________?"Begin the subject line with the email recipient's name. You can set your email autoresponder to do this automatically for each email address. Make sure you enter the variable field correctly. The variable field may differ from these examples of variable fields: {fname}, {name}.Be authentic and ethical in all of your Internet network marketing. Keep in mind your long-term goal is to build trust and good will between the people on your list and yourself. So, make your subject lines catchy and enticing without resorting to exaggeration or outright lying.

A Brief History Lesson of Multilevel Marketing (MLM)

Multilevel Marketing (MLM) has become a dirty word in America. (Yes, I know - it is technically a phrase, but just go with me on this one). When someone says "MLM," people instantly think of illegal pyramid schemes and shy away from you. The new politically correct term is "Network Marketing."However you want to say it, it is all the same thing: You make money by recruiting a network of team members to sell your company's product. The real incentive is in attracting more members to your team because you not only make money from selling the product yourself; you make money off your team members' sales. The more people you have selling for YOU, the more YOU make.Why has network marketing become the evil empire of the business world in the minds of many Americans? Because of pyramid schemes, which are now illegal. It is important to distinguish between the two. Why?- First, because you are going to face this barrier in trying to recruit your own sales team, and if you can not alleviate their fears, you have lost a potential recruit.- Second, you need to establish your credibility. It is just as important as establishing the product you are selling, if not more important.- Third, it is critical to your own success to NOT get caught up in a pyramid scheme - you have a greater chance of losing money than actually making any.So how do you tell the difference? Susan Ward, a partner in Cypress Technologies, an IT Consulting business, providing services such as software and database development, in her article "Is It MLM or a Pyramid Scheme?" offer the following advice:"The big difference between MLM and a pyramid scheme is in the business' operations. The entire purpose of a pyramid scheme is to get your money and then use you to recruit other distributors. The entire purpose of MLM is to move product. The theory behind MLM is that the larger the network of distributors, the more product the business will be able to sell"

Key Benefits to Network Marketing and Top Tier Direct Sales

Here are the key benefits to Network Marketing and Top Tier Direct Sales• The Industry has had 20 years of consecutive growth and is growing exponentially. This trend will continue, with the internet and improvements in global telecommunication technologies working a global enterprise from home is available to anyone.• Profits of $1000, $5000 and $9000 directly paid to you. You get paid first, keep your profits and pass on the wholesale amount to the suppliers. This the ONLY company that pays you first. No other model offers this.• High Value, High Demand, High Margin products = Smart Business and Solid Profits.• Create leverage. Build residual income and spend more time doing the things you're passionate about in your life. With our unique revolutionary perpetual compensation plan, we set you on the path to financial independence and freedom in a few short years with a retirement strategy built in.• When you operate a home business, you are eligible for thousands of dollars a year in tax deductions, keeping more money in your pocket.• Low capital costs, start up costs and operational costs.• No more boss! A lifestyle of financial freedom and self reliability that allows you to work the hours you choose, flexible around your family's needs, from anywhere in the world you desire.• No expensive on-going costs like rent, no inventory and shipping, no staffing or the management headaches, insurance and long term contracts."I would rather earn 1% off the efforts of 100 people than 100% off the efforts of myself"- J Paul Getty - Oil Magnate Billionaire4% of people have a net worth of $1 Million or more the other 96% work to make them even richer! Tired of hanging around with the 96%? Being a 4%'er is simply a CHOICE...

Determined to Succeed

Determination is the fortitude to move forward at all costs. It is saying "I WILL do this." No if's, and's, or but's. Someone has made a decision and will do it no matter what it takes.A perfect example would be Lance Armstrong winning the race after his bout with cancer. Or the Olympians who just performed stunningly at the winter Olympics. We can forget how hard it is just to get to be on the Olympic team, let alone be a medal winner. So, I give kudos to all of them. Or what about Barack Obama making it from humble beginnings to the presidency. We can all respect the determination that took, and continues to take daily, with all the crises going on in the country and in the world. Sometimes, I would have a hard time getting up in the morning with that job.But we all need determination at times. Especially when we have to go through hard times, when there's a death in the family, currently people losing their jobs and homes. It takes determination to hang in there and go to the next job interview. That person is saying "we'll make it through this and I will survive."Not all situations that take determination are that dire, thank goodness. How about learning to ride a bike? I have learned a great deal on the computer through determination. Actually, when I encounter a problem, I get determined to solve it, although I don't or can't always. It's also okay to get help to get over hurdles. That's okay with determination - I might need help to get from point A to point B. But I will get to point B!!Some of that is the case with the internet marketing world. I am getting very confused by all the promises being made by marketers selling you the best thing since "sliced bread" but 1 day later they are trying to sell you something that's even better and is very easy. How can they all be the "best" and "easiest" and "the answer". The truth is they can't be. It's starting to tick me off. Some people I like, but I'm getting so tired of their constant selling that I'm blocking them to free up my e-mail box. But obviously, they are lying somewhere, because all the programs cannot be "magic bullets."What does all this have to do with determination? Well, I have found out that there are the basic steps we have to take and we can leave some and have to do some of the steps, even though we may not like them. We do them ourselves or hire someone to do them for us. But there really isn't a magic bullet. We can't buy a program today and be rich next week. Perhaps the marketers with 5000 on their list can, because people will buy from them, but for people who are building their business that's not true. I'm not sure why they don't tell us that? Perhaps because we wouldn't buy their packages then, if they advertised it as hard work. Because it is hard work in the beginning. And it takes a lot of determination in spite of failures and lack of success money wise. Most have to have another job and spend all night on the computer. That's rough.Is it worth it? Yes, when you break through. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed and be determined. As Winston Churchill said, "Never, never, never give up.!"


How Do You Find Leads For Your MLM Business?

I like to listen to differing opinions because it helps me be a critical thinker. If you only hear one side of the story, it doesn't give you anything to mull over!When I started in MLM, I got some advice from someone who has been extremely successful (that is who you should listen to after all, someone who has what you want!) He told me to find "networkers" to join my business, meaning people with experience in MLM or word-of-mouth marketing. Another very successful person, currently a mentor of mine, gives the same advice.Recently however, someone gave me the advice to NOT prospect people who are already in an MLM company. I do not have any knowledge of how successful this person is (he claims to be!) but I listened and thought about what he said. His reasoning is that you will teach your team members to use the same methods you use (true) and that when you prospect networkers, they often prospect you right back (also true.) So, he told me, some of your team members will quit your team and join the person they were prospecting. That's where he lost me. I told him that won't happen to me, and he just laughed and said "Sure, you have the best company. We ALL do."I understand his thinking and of course I can't guarantee that nobody would ever leave my team. But here is what I do to prevent that:
I build relationships with people so they joined me because they know, like, and trust me.
I teach people about the 5 pillars of success in MLM
I make sure my people know why I picked my company, because of the 5 pillars
So, first I build loyalty by building a good relationship. You do this by focusing on the other person's needs, without an agenda (something most people find difficult at first.) I teach them to be a critical thinker and look for the facts. People can argue about your opinion, but facts are facts. Once people know the facts about what to look for in an MLM company, if they want to know about mine (and ONLY if they ask) I will explain how my company compares to others, with facts! Then I let people make their own decision.Not everyone joins me, of course. But everyone learns what to look for, and will look at the facts from now on instead of making their decisions based on emotion. Those who do join, having learned these ideas, would naturally look for the facts about any company that was presented to them. And if the other company is no better than where they are, and they have a good relationship with me, why would they jump ship?Here is why people change companies:
They aren't getting results
Nobody is helping them
Something distasteful is going on in the company
I can make sure the first two don't happen, as long as the person is coachable and works hard. While I can't control the third entirely, there are certainly things to look for up front (and I did) to see if you are joining a company where that distasteful stuff is less likely to happen. And if it does, guess what? I'll change companies too! And the people I have helped, who joined me, are likely to follow me.So I do target networkers. That way I don't have to put up with the "pyramid scheme" objection, the "that's an immoral way to do business" objection, and the "MLM products are always overpriced" objection. And I get people who believe in the business model, are determined to make it work for them, and just want to be coached to success. Make sense? Great! Contact me if you want help finding these people for your team!

Is Aliva Max the Real Deal Or Just Another Over Hyped MLM?

Aliva Max is a new nutraceutical network marketing company that produces anti-aging products. They claim their products do everything from help with weight management and provide more energy to improving immune function and improve mental cognition. The market for this type of product is immense and will only grow given the age demographics of the United States and the rest of the developed world. People are always looking for that "fountain of youth" and many will pay dearly to try and find it.When reviewing a new company if you are looking to partner with them as a distributor it is crucial to assess how strongly you believe in their product line and what the company brings to the table in terms of reputation, potential longevity, and growth opportunities. A good networker can make a lot of money with just about any network marketing company's compensation plan but you have to BELIEVE that the product have value in order for you to be successful. Assuming your belief is there, Aliva Max has to have the management team and leadership in place to create a long term company so you can build your business over time.Only time will tell how successful Aliva Max will be in this industry but it does seem that they have the products, tools, and management in place to last for a long time. The MLM business model requires a company to attract distributors with the proper training and skills to allow them to build a solid customer base and a good reputation in the marketplace. Well over 90% of associates get frustrated in this industry before they are able to achieve any financial results because they lack the skills required for success and the company's primary focus isn't their reps earning money, but the company itself earning money.In order to guarantee you make money with Aliva Max you have to approach it from the perspective that your business is not selling and marketing their products, but your business is YOU and the value bring to the table as a sponsor not just a rep of the company. If you can approach your business in this way, you will be ahead of 99% of other distributors right from the start. Follow the link below to get the BEST training and coaching on how to build value and become a true leader in this industry.