Network Marketing For the Beginner
Several people have written books on Network Marketing. I have actually thought about writing a eBook on the topic myself, and maybe I still will. But some of my favorite authors and mentors such as Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn have had seminars on this very subject and I like what they all have had to say.The very first "thing" one needs in order to be successful in network marketing, or anything for that matter, they need to have a big or great desire for what it is they are about to embark upon. Before you achieve anything that desire must be there. Your desire must be definite. You must continuously invest yourself in the goal you desire until it becomes the dominating obsession in your life. I can remember when I began my career in MLM, I would have my goals and desires written out clear as day, and I would have it pasted on my shaving mirror, so I would have to see it everyday. Its important you read or take notice to your desire multiple times a day.The next step one must do in order to be successful in network marketing, is you must create yourself a plan to achieve what it is you desire. Be as definitive as possible in every area. Being vague will not cut it at all. Please understand this, and do not cheat yourself. Define a definite time frame, with a date of completion. And then begin implementing your plan of action at once.One must have a clear, and concise statement written out for their plan of action. Without a clear and concise statement, clearly explaining what you will have, when you will have it, and how you will do it, you will not reach your goal as intended. One should read their statement aloud, at least twice daily, take constant, consistent action!There is a phrase that says "Professionals sort, amateurs sell." What this means is that its best to have people join you who want to do the business, as opposed to just wanting to buy the products that your MLM opportunity offers. You can't move on with people who are not ready to start a business. Don't try to sell them on your opportunity. You are not an amateur, and we said amateurs sell.You want people who are like dry wood, ready to be set on fire. Wet wood is not going to get going, and will not burn. You can't take someone who is not ready to start a business and turn them into someone who is ready to start a business, not without a lot of time and effort on your part.This is key point four, something that most network marketers miss entirely throughout their career in MLM, and most end up quitting before achieving any success. And it is this, the absolute best way to fund a business is by something called a funded proposal. This is something that allows one to make money on the front end by selling a product, by the way of a ebook, tele-seminar, or a presentation, allowing you to make money before anyone even joins your MLM opportunity. Now you have leads and prospects that have already purchased from you and can now sort through like a professional instead of an amateur, whom you can now invite to join you in your business.The reason you do this is because you immediately separate the folk who are just window shopping, tire kicking, and plain as day are not serious like true entrepreneurs who are ready to invest. It's much more profitable to promote your opportunity to people who are buyers. And the way that you do that is to offer a low ticket item on the front end, then you monetize by up selling other items on the back end including your opportunity.
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