
The Advanced Attraction Marketing Blueprint For Network Marketing

Today in network marketing just about everyone has a website. Everyone is pitching some opportunity. If you hop on Twitter or Facebook, everyone has social marketing down pat these days. But do most people have Attraction Marketing down cold? Or in my opinion is anyone really doing Attraction Marketing right? No and No.Here's the thing. Anyone can try to get someone to check out their stuff. But if you want to magnetically attract people to your business here are 3 keys to what I call the Advanced Attraction Marketing Blueprint For Network Marketing.Give And Give BigGive in the knowing that the person receiving will never be able to repay you. You see this is the essence of attraction marketing. In the internet marketing world this is similar to the concept of moving the free line, which has been around for a long time. This is simply giving your best stuff up front for Free.But for network marketers, I think it is important to give to others regardless of whether or not they join your opportunity. Because let's face it. Everyone usually has their own opportunity. And if they're happy with their opportunity, why try to force them to change. Instead give big and if things end up not working out with their opportunity, then I think you'll be the person they remember.So many times people give with a hidden agenda. Try to erase all agendas and instead adopt a mindset of abundance.Teach People SomethingChances are you know more in a particular area of network marketing than other people out there. If not, go out and learn something. Then go out and teach it to others. Whether it's in an article like this one. On your blog. You name it. Teach others. This is magnetic, it builds trust and people naturally gravitate to someone who teaches them something. And again, don't teach with the idea of getting. Just think give.Motivate People To Be More Than They AreIf you can motivate people to do better than they are already doing. And help them get to where they want to go they will love you for it. I can think of many instances when this very same thing built trust in my own life with people.So many people are insecure in many areas of developing a business. If you can help them along their journey to get further along their path then you will start to notice the real magic start to happen.To improve in this area, simple read books on self-improvement and share with people. So few people read and educate themselves these days that it's mind boggling. The amazing thing is that one good idea can change a person's life.ConclusionSo few people out there are actually doing attraction marketing right. If you can be one of the few who does, you'll start to notice doors open up in your business that were once closed. Once you start putting this attraction marketing blueprint into practice in your network marketing business, watch as people chase you instead of you having to chase them.

