How Much Money Can I Make in a Network Marketing Business?
As people talk about network marketing businesses, everyone wants to know how much money you can make. Now how much you make is dependent on you, but also dependent on the compensation model you are going into. I will give warning that in any compensation model, no one will say, sorry sucker, your not going to make very much. The goal of the company is to lure you in. In fact, you will see where the legal statements come in where these income are for illustration purposes only. What companies will do is of they have a matrix, they will act as if every person does as they are told and it is the perfect world. If they tell you to tell 5 people and sign them up and it duplicates this is one way of saying we only can give optimal. It is like being in a mega mall in the dark and being told you have one shot to shoot the apple in the red basket. Now, you have to be pretty lucky to ever hit optimal. It is kind of like what is the gas mileage on your car? Does everyone get that mileage? No, it depends on conditions. It could even be the same car and in the same city driving the same route. No, I did not say same driver. The driver can make all the difference. This holds true in Network Marketing too.. It all depends on the driver or you! Now, it can be the education and experience you have.Here is where I will say education is a key and you will not get an education in network marketing from a local college. Now, if you could, you would definitely stack the deck in your direction. Now, technology is also needs to stay current. You need to use all the tools you can to help you. This is where there are networkers that want you to succeed. Reach out to them. You should get a good feeling for who they are and what you know about them. I will tell you that there are a lot of good networkers on EzineArticles website. If you can get with those people, it would be well worth the investment.Now, I will say that 95% of people getting into a network marketing industry fail, not because it can not be done, most will give up because it is work. Some do not know how to make it happen. You are in the right place, because you are reading up and learning, and you will be one to succeed. Now, yes in many companies, if you add a couple hundred people, not all needed to be sponsored by you. You can make some large incomes. I tell people if you do 10% of what the company says, and everyone you bring in does 10%, would you be happy? Now, if you want more income, you can control your 10% and raising it. But you can not control what others will do. You can motivate some, and some nothing will motivate by placing people in your downline. But let me ask you, if you could hit the top of the company in 5 to 10 years, would you be happy? Most likely, yes! Because you would have the income to retire and you would have the time to do as you want. So, the only one stopping your income potential is you, so when are you going to make a move?
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