Learning Network Marketing Prospects Can Make You Money
There is an art to learning the proper of network marketing prospects. Some are quite obvious, but many are right in front of you, but you just are not looking at them. There is opportunity every minute of every day. Finding people for your business is quite easy but takes some discipline and effort on your part.When you're out and about, do you ever talk to anyone? I mean, like the 5 foot rule? Anyone within 5 feet, say something to them. It could be something as simple as the weather, long line in the grocery store, packed elevator. Whatever comes to your mind. Once you start it, see if they are receptive to a question. Like, "what do you do for a living?" If they respond, continue the conversation until you get to the point of finding out if they want more out of their life. If they say yes...say something like, "I have something I think you might want to look at. Would you be interested?" This is when you give them a tool; send them to a website; or, get their card so you can call them back with more information.See how easy that was? There are dozens of these opportunities EVERY DAY that you can take advantage of. Just think if you set a goal to talk to 5 people every day? What would that do for your network marketing business? You'd have more prospects in your pipeline keeping you busy more, giving you a higher percentage chance of sponsoring them. This will explode your business quickly!So next time you're out, use the 5 foot rule, and start talking. Before you know it, your network marketing prospects will multiply tenfold, helping you grow your business much faster, ultimately earning you more money for your business.
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