Free Leads - Learn How to Get Free Leads and Free Advertising
In every internet marketing company there is a lot of talk about leads, buying leads and lead generation. Paying for leads is a huge waste of money. There are companies all over the internet offering to sell you leads and promising the world to anybody that buys their leads or uses their lead generation system.The truth is most of those leads don't work out.Any lead is only a good lead if they are looking for exactly what you have to offer and most leads that other people or companies generate are not going to produce for you.Finding 5 to 50 people every day interested in what you have to offer is really not that hard to do and is actually kind of fun. If you want to make a career out of network marketing then learning how to generate your own leads is a must.Advertising what you have to offer all over the internet, and targeting those looking specifically for it is how it is done. Sounds easy enough doesn't it. Sure it does if you have plenty of money to pay for advertising and the know how to find people looking for your specific business.Most people that are struggling or just getting started in network marketing can't afford to pay somebody to advertise their business, nor can they afford pay per click advertising. I know I was there struggling for months trying to do everything my upline told me to do and failing miserably, until I learned how to generate my own leads for free.Believe it or not there are thousands of people looking for exactly what you have to offer and here is how to find them. YouTubeMake a video using keywords that target your prospects. Spend 2-3 minutes explaining your business and the benefits of them joining your team. And don't just stop there, make several more. With video marketing people get to know you and learn to trust you, if you are a trustworthy person. Always be completely honest and helpful to your audience. If you aren't an honest person it won't take long for people to see it and your leads will diminish.FacebookThere are ways to advertise your product and opportunity all over Facebook for free. This technique is very lucrative, but takes a good bit of explaining so that you are not spamming all your friends. There are a lot of people spamming on Facebook and that kind of advertising hurts your business. Our Facebook training video is 132 minutes so there is no way I can explain it in one article..ForumsForums are also an excellent way to find leads. They are also a great way to learn from some of the experts. And its also free.All three of these free lead generating and marketing techniques are excellent ways to grow your business, but be careful not to spam. Spamming truly does keep your business from growing like it should.
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