How Much Time Does it Take to Build a Network Marketing Business?
The question most people have or one of the objections that they use, is that they say they do not have enough time to build a network marketing business. Now, how much time does it take? I will say that in your current position, how much time does your boss expect you to put into your job? Part-time you put in anywhere from 8 hours up to 32 hours a week and full time you put in over 40 hours. Now, you are your own boss in your network business, so how many hours do you want to have your employee, which is you work? Now, if you are trying to supplement your income and you had to go out and get a second job, how many hours would you work to generate the income you want? You will hear most people say 5-10 hours a week part time. Now, if you want to make a few bucks, then sure, but you need to make your time count and starting out, do not look for the huge incomes, expect 10-20 dollars residual. It will build, but do not expect the unexpected right away.Now, many people decide to take their business full time too early. This will add pressures to you to fast and you will begin to hate it very quickly. I tell people, set your baseline the day you start. How much money do you bring in per month from your primary source of income. You do not want to have to live in poverty to build a business. Now, if it takes $6000 to replace your primary income, you should not go full time until you are there. This is where it places a lot of stress on many marriages, because a spouse will expect the other to carry the weight. Then the spouse hates the business and it drives a wedge between the two.In your current job, you are expected to be on the job from a start time to a quitting time every day. In network marketing, you need to seek opportunities. Do not let an opportunity go by that you can not get back, This includes talking to someone that has a need, want and desire to resolve an issue your product can help them with. Also, you do not have to be working your business in 8 hours or 4 hour segments. Grab the 15 minutes through out the day. They all add up. If it takes several years or even 10 years, would time and financial security be worth it? Of course. Invest in yourself with the time. Do not fall into the traps of non-productive work of cleaning the desk and organizing emails, if your not talking to someone about the product and moving the product, then you are wasting your time. Look into the mirror every day and ask if you were the persons boss, would you be excited to pay the person or would you have them on the firing line?
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