
The Mom Team Review - 3 Things to Know Before You Join

Are you looking to join The Mom team and want to know more about what they do and how they operate? Here are 3 things you need to know before you join.Who They Are1. First, they are a MLM company or a multi level marketing company. Multi level marketing is difficult to achieve high level of profits. The reason for this is that you have to have lots of people under you to generate substantial income, or what is called a down line. It is like a pyramid, you have to work extra hard to get to the top. The Mom team sells products in hopes of you selling the same to others in place of what you already have. Selling more so to people that you already know, including family and friends.Their Products2. The Mom Team sells products from a company called Melaleuca, The Wellness Company. They have a line of natural products that are eco friendly, claiming "We are the cleaner greener company". They are said to be safe to use in your home that do not contain harmful chemicals. They have products such as weight loss, motivation tactics, your house hold cleaning and even cosmetics. They have been owned by CEO Frank VanderSloot for 24 years.Profit Possibilities3. The profit possibilities with The Mom Team are great if you are willing to work extra hard at adding people to your team that are willing to buy your products in place of the ones that they already use. You earn 7% of your customers base points purchased. The MOM team requires a minimum monthly base point of $35. So if you have a base point of $100, that means that you will earn $7.Next, if you want to learn more about how to make higher profits faster online, not sell to family and friends and are serious about starting your own online business, visit here http://www.steadyplodderhomebiz.com

