No Home Based Business Can Succeed Without the Right Prospects
Trying to build a home based or direct sales business? You have to understand that you are in the marketing business for one thing. Also you should know that these two rules must be followed for you to have a chance of succeeding. First, a professional marketer would NEVER try to market or promote their product or opportunity to anyone who is not interested and has not expressed their interest first. Second, People join leaders that know how build a business so if you want others to join you then you must become a leader.You don't want to come across as a sales person. Instead you should provide solutions for your target markets problems. Who is your target market? People who are actively searching for your product or opportunity, or anyone who has ever bought a similar product or service before.These rules are crucial to your success and those who don't follow them can be very annoying. In network marketing there are several specific targets and it is a waste of your time to prospect anyone else. Wasted time is worse than wasted money because once time is gone you can never get it back. You can waste money and replace it but not time.Your specific targets are: People who are in network marketing, people who used to be in network marketing, people who want your product, people who use a similar product, anyone who has purchased information about the industry.Lots of people will request free information but you want people who will spend money in the industry. There is a huge difference. If you were running ads looking for anyone who WANTS to drive a racecar you would have a bigger and different list than if you ran ads looking for those who are racecar drivers.The type of people and the talent level and the experience factor would be considerably different too. It would be the same difference if you ran ads looking for network marketers or opportunity buyers verses opportunity seekers or business opportunity leads.What a CRAZY idea! Sell only to people who want to buy what you are selling and sign up only those who want to sign up. What kind of business person would do that?! If you were to send a DVD or CD to your Aunt Jane or to your sons soccer coach it would be like trying to sell a big juicy steak to a vegetarian.Pushing your opportunity on your friends and family is not only going to force you to face massive rejections but if you do convince them to sign up you will have to convince them to do the work. How do you really think that will work? Do you think they will drop out when they figure out they are spending money and not making it?You have a gold mine of an opportunity and there are people looking for it so all you have to do is position yourself where they can find you and you will not have to chase anyone ever again. How much fun is it to chase people all the time just to get rejected anyway?Doesn't it make sense to concentrate your efforts on positioning yourself where those who are looking for your products, service, or opportunity can find you? How much more open are those who already spent money in the industry compared to those who haven't ever tried to build a business in MLM?If you want to build your business the easy way, earn the income you imagined you would, and have fun with your business all you have to do is focus on your target market; current, past, or future network marketers and those who want or need your product or service or are already using a similar one.97% of all network marketers fail so that means there are a lot of struggling marketers out there and if you can show them how to build a business without struggling you would be able to advertise something every network marketer needs. This will position you as a leader and cause others to want to join you.
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