
Determined to Succeed

Determination is the fortitude to move forward at all costs. It is saying "I WILL do this." No if's, and's, or but's. Someone has made a decision and will do it no matter what it takes.A perfect example would be Lance Armstrong winning the race after his bout with cancer. Or the Olympians who just performed stunningly at the winter Olympics. We can forget how hard it is just to get to be on the Olympic team, let alone be a medal winner. So, I give kudos to all of them. Or what about Barack Obama making it from humble beginnings to the presidency. We can all respect the determination that took, and continues to take daily, with all the crises going on in the country and in the world. Sometimes, I would have a hard time getting up in the morning with that job.But we all need determination at times. Especially when we have to go through hard times, when there's a death in the family, currently people losing their jobs and homes. It takes determination to hang in there and go to the next job interview. That person is saying "we'll make it through this and I will survive."Not all situations that take determination are that dire, thank goodness. How about learning to ride a bike? I have learned a great deal on the computer through determination. Actually, when I encounter a problem, I get determined to solve it, although I don't or can't always. It's also okay to get help to get over hurdles. That's okay with determination - I might need help to get from point A to point B. But I will get to point B!!Some of that is the case with the internet marketing world. I am getting very confused by all the promises being made by marketers selling you the best thing since "sliced bread" but 1 day later they are trying to sell you something that's even better and is very easy. How can they all be the "best" and "easiest" and "the answer". The truth is they can't be. It's starting to tick me off. Some people I like, but I'm getting so tired of their constant selling that I'm blocking them to free up my e-mail box. But obviously, they are lying somewhere, because all the programs cannot be "magic bullets."What does all this have to do with determination? Well, I have found out that there are the basic steps we have to take and we can leave some and have to do some of the steps, even though we may not like them. We do them ourselves or hire someone to do them for us. But there really isn't a magic bullet. We can't buy a program today and be rich next week. Perhaps the marketers with 5000 on their list can, because people will buy from them, but for people who are building their business that's not true. I'm not sure why they don't tell us that? Perhaps because we wouldn't buy their packages then, if they advertised it as hard work. Because it is hard work in the beginning. And it takes a lot of determination in spite of failures and lack of success money wise. Most have to have another job and spend all night on the computer. That's rough.Is it worth it? Yes, when you break through. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed and be determined. As Winston Churchill said, "Never, never, never give up.!"

