If you're anything like me, you like technical things to be explained simply and logically.But if you've ever tried to understand Internet Marketing, nobody would blame you for getting frustrated!Terms like:AdWords
Social Networking
Cost Per Click
Search Engine Optimization and
Page Rank......are just some of the terms that make entrepreneurs run for cover.So what I'm going to do in this article is boil Internet Marketing down to it's 3 basic elements, and then give some explanation for each one.Internet Marketing consists of 3 steps:Get the leads
Turn those leads into prospects
Turn the prospects into clients."But how do I turn my leads into prospects?" I hear you asking.Well, when you get your leads, your next task is to get them to 'Opt-in' by giving you their email address. This could be in exchange for a free report or some other free item of value to them.Your lead is now a prospect because they have entrusted you with their email and have by default agreed that you can send them other information about your Home Based Business. They are now someone that you can sell to.Now you're in a position to present offers to these prospects on a regular basis using 'Auto-Responders'. A quick word about Auto Responders. Auto Responders are systems which allow you to load in your email list and create multiple email messages which are sent out on a regular basis, perhaps twice weekly or weekly - whatever you choose.They save you from having to laboriously send out regular emails to multiple people and can be an effective way of keeping your business in the uppermost part of their minds.Quick note; Emails sent using auto responders must give the prospect the option to 'Unsubscribe' otherwise it could lead to them reporting you.Finally, if the prospect likes what you're sending them, by way of email, you may well gain a paying customer for your home business.And that sums up online marketing; Acquiring leads, inviting them to take action by way of Auto Responders, and taking their order.