
How to Build a More Solid Client Base in Network Marketing

When asked why they became a network marketer, most people will tell you it was for the money but that's really not the reason.Nobody works their butt off building a business or even working at a job for that matter just to acquire fancy little pieces of paper. We all work hard at what we are doing so we may acquire the things that money can buy. One big one for me is time. More time to do the things that I have always wanted to do in life.Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you became a network marketer? Was it the money? Was it so you can have more time to spend with your family? Was it because you hate your job? These are very important question because if you don't know why you are doing something, you are likely not going to succeed at it.Working with people is a huge part of network marketing. You have to be available to your people to teach and guide them in the right direction. You must help them to become successful in order to be successful yourself. If you are not good with people then network marketing may not be for you. Remember these are not just numbers you are sponsoring. These are real people just like you and I.Remember whatever you are doing to build your business, you will want your down line to do the same so if you need a reason for what you are doing so will they. You want to focus on those reason. Too many times I have heard up lines focus on how much money you can make or how many people you can sign up.You need to find out what motivates people. You can just spout off how much money someone can make or how successful so-and-so is. You need to focus on what that other person wants out of life and offer them the tools and guidance to be able to achieve that goal.Most people work their butts off at their jobs hoping to just save enough money in order to buy that new car or house or to take that dream vacation they have always wanted but could never afford. A great many people won't even do that much. How unrealistic does it seem when you approach these people and tell them they can make all kinds of money and quit their jobs or travel the world just by signing this piece of paper so you can become their sponsor?You might sign up a few people like that but you will not sign up as many people as you might using different methods.Have you ever heard the term "silence is golden"? Have you ever heard of the technique of talking yourself out of a sale? Well these statements are absolutely true.One of my favourite quotes has to be "God gave to two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you speak."You will achieve greater success by listening to your prospect in order to find out what they need. Ask lots of questions and be genuinely interested in what they have to say. Save your business for later. Remember the answers come after the questions if you get my drift. Make a new friend not just a client because if your down line is going to help your business succeed then they will turn out to be the best friends you will ever meet.To Your Success,AJ

