If you have spent any time on the internet searching for ways to grow your network marketing business or searching for network marketing leads, you've surely come across this. It's network marketing and the guaranteed sign up racket. Basically these sites guarantee you that, for a certain amount of money, people will sign up into your down line. It's understandable why these sites survive and prosper for a period of time. They play on the emotions of people who realize that building a business in network marketing is not as easy as it's portrayed and are truly struggling.As the new network marketer goes about attempting to recruit their friends and family they encounter what I like to call the rejection razor. The newbie network marketer is rejected and oftem times ridiculed by the people who should be the most supportive. As I have often said the rejection razor can cut pretty deep.The newbie goes out in search of finding a better way to become a network marketer and the search often times leads to sites that offer "The Guaranteed Sign Up." At this point the newbie is hungry and wants to succeed. These sites look like the gift from above and if they just pay a fee their downline is created and poof...the residual checks will start coming in. The new network marketing recruit begins to think this is just perfect.Remember when your mother would say "if it's too good to be true, it probably is." Well in this particular case that saying is absolutely correct. Sure some people will join your down line but in most cases will leave after the free trial period. Now what do you have?The new network marketer is even more dejected. Having been promised the promised land and watching it disintegrate right before their eyes. What should the new network marketing recruit do in this situation? They should learn several fabulous lessons.First off, no one is going to grow your business except you. You are the only one who is going to make it grow and flourish. Secondly while you may have wasted some time, money and resources dealing with family and friends. Dealing with the guaranteed sign up racket, it has shown you one important thing: an opportunity.The opportunity to discover and learn new skills to help you grow your business faster and more profitably. To truly succeed in the network marketing arena, you have to encounter many failures along the way. Failure is not earth shattering, it just provides you the opportunity of learning from it and not making the same mistake again. It provides you the opportunity to find and develop new skills. It provides you with the opportunity of personal development.Don't put your money into things like the guaranteed sign up racket which offers you no return. Put your money into the most important asset you have...YOU!Invest in:learning new lead generation techniques,
how to communicate with people,
how to create an effective, high converting landing page,
presentation skills,
marketing skills. Notice how everything in the points above point to the industry you're in: Network Marketing.