
Arbonne Success - Listen Up!

At the end of the day, your success in Arbonne depends on quality training. Virtually all MLM companies offer some sort of getting started instructions but the question that has to be asked is, yeah, but does it work? When their training is put to work, will it generate results and make you money?Clearly, the answer is no. This is because much of the training provided is all about educating you on their company and products...not marketing strategy.You see, people never join companies, they join YOU!It is natural for Arbonne and other MLM's to teach you how to promote their products exclusively, I mean that makes sense from their perspective. Most people fail in MLM and this is one of the reasons why. You are never taught the importance of personal leadership and building the You, Inc brand. You don't need to add to be statistic... you can achieve Arbonne success with some proven marketing methods.You need a self-funded proposal to really make it big with Arbonne. This is selling a useful product upfront for a low price then following up with the primary product or service, Arbonne in this case, on the back-end. Cell phone companies serve as a great example.You are offered a phone at a low price (or free) initially to entice you to sign a two year service contract. The service contract is what makes them money. The phone draws you in. That is the same concept you want to implement to achieve success in Arbonne.To be specific, sell generic MLM training upfront to establish yourself as a leader who has answers. You can then follow up with your Arbonne opportunity.When you find someone that is willing to invest a few dollars to learn how to market their business then you've got a great candidate. These prospects have put their money where their mouth is and have shown a level of commitment. The fortune is in the follow up so make sure you pick up that phone and connect!A quality self funded proposal will serve as a filter. It sorts through prospects and leaves you with those that are serious candidates. You gotta spend a little money to make money, right? So, you get rid of those folks that are unwilling to spend a few dollars learning to market their business.Your level of energy and enthusiasm for your Arbonne business will only grow when you identify those people that are serious about succeeding in the industry. A self-funded proposal will help you achieve that end.Bottom line, when you provide solid generic MLM training for a small price you accomplish a couple of things: 1) Your number of qualified leads goes up and 2) Your prospects see that you provide real value to them and that builds value in your leadership abilities.To find some high quality self-funded proposals, I recommend anything by Mike Dillard. If you are looking to streamline the whole process, My Lead System Pro has far and away the best system.You become top of mind with your prospects. By doing this properly, you will not only achieve high levels of success with Arbonne but your people will too! To achieve your MLM dreams a self-funded proposal is clearly one of the most valuable tools available.

