
Chasing Clarity In Network Marketing

Only through decisions do you become more and more conscious, only through decisions do you become more and more crystallized, only through decisions do you become sharp. Otherwise you become...yeah, you know.People go on from one internet marketing guru to another, from one MLM Company to another-not because you are great seekers of success systems, but because you want take the time to become more knowledgeable, by utilizing the resources available or you're just not capable of making the right decision. So you go from one to another to another.This is your way to avoid commitment.The same happens in others relationships directly or indirectly related to your success. Some people think you are a great marketer, some think that you could be. Again, that total lack of commitment. You are avoiding, you're trying to avoid any in depth involvement because with deep involvement, problems have to be faced, and too much of the "I am the victim" has to be gone through. So you simply play it safe; you make it a point to never go to deep into your business. If you go too deep you may not be able to come back easily. You have to be rid of that type of mentality.Sometimes you forget that this is what network marketing is all about. And you worry that if you do go deeply into marketing relationships, somebody will go deeply into you also; it is always proportionate. It is a give and take, it is sharing. So people learn how to play safe: just let the surfaces meet-hit-and-run.I know this for a fact because I've been there far too often since I've been in the industry.It is very difficult to be completely peaceful in a marketing relationship when you are not totally transparent, but that is the challenge. If you escape from that, you escape from the maturity of great success. If you go into your marketing career with all the trials and errors, and still continue going forward, then by and by the time you spend on these great relationships becomes a blessing, and success in eminent.Through the conflict, the friction, and your perseverance, crystallization arises. Through the struggle you become more alert, more aware, with more personal development, and decisions becomes more coherent and the commitment is born. When finally you come to understand exactly what methods the masters of the network marketing arena are applying, then your decisions become total and absolute. Move! Something new is about to happens in your life.Always decide for the unknown, whatsoever the risk, and you will grow continuously.Tomorrow may come or may not come. If you have to decide you have to decide today.

