Confused About Network Marketing?
Are you considering of joining a network marketing opportunity? Are you already involved but not making any money? With so many MLM companies out there and all the information available, it becomes extremely overwhelming. How do you know which is the best opportunity?Network marketing has earned such a bad reputation largely due to improper training or lack thereof, by its companies. Yet you realize this business format offers a great leverage, and the earning potential is unlimited. So how do you finally capitalize on its power?Which Product? Which Company?So many companies, so many products, what should you choose? Should you go for nutritionals, or skin care? Cookware, or home parties? Really, what is the best product?The thing is, as long as the product has a cost associated to it, it narrows the room for your commission. After the cost and shipping, profit to the company, and commission to your up line, how much does it leave you? In some cases, you are also limited to your local area. With the use of internet your market can be unlimited, but can you sell your insurance out of state?On the other hand, information products - ebooks, web streaming audio and video, or web based programs for example, have no state or country borders, and can be sold to anywhere with internet connection. Delivery is instant. There is no cost to the product so it is pure profit, leaving more room for your commission. After all, that's why you want to be in this business, is it not?Network Marketing or Network Networking?But more important than the company or product, is marketing. It doesn't matter what you are promoting if you don't know how to market it. Cedrick Harris, the top recruiter of My Lead System Pro, said people forget the "marketing" part of network marketing. You may be "networking" with your friends and family, but what happened to the second part; marketing? Most MLM companies fall short in this area, and their distributors end up selling to the wrong crowd, or in a wrong method, or both. Once you know how to market, you can sell anything.What is Your Brand?Just as important as marketing if not more, is branding. So far, you could have bought the same product or opportunity from anybody. You may make some sales and sign up some reps if you market well, but to be successful on a long term, you will need to position yourself as a unique brand.When you have a favorite brand - say Sony, or Nike, you feel like you want to buy everything from it. You may even buy something you don't need. This is how powerful branding is. If you can become that brand people can only get from you, imagine how easy your business will be.People don't join your business because they want to become a vitamin distributor. They join you, not the business, because they see you as the leader who can help them become successful. It is you, your value, niche, leadership, and everything that makes you unique, is what draws people to you.What is critical then, is to learn how to develop yourself as a brand and how to market effectively. To learn more about about network marketing, continue reading below.
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