
Do You Know Who to Market To?

Network marketing is a business model that requires you to build a network. And when you have a product or business opportunity to market, it helps if you know who your market is. After all, the industry is referred to as network marketing.But what exactly does it mean to know your market? In essence, it only means that you present your products or opportunity to those who are looking for the products or opportunity you have. You have to know where to find these people if you are going to build a network.If you are an insurance salesperson, does it make sense to try and promote your products to those who don't need insurance? Or if you sell real estate would you waste you efforts on people that are not looking for a house? Of course you wouldn't. That is why it is so important to know who your market is.Many MLM companies will suggest that you try to promote your products and opportunity to anyone that is within speaking distance. I'm sure you have heard about the three foot rule. Or if it breaths talk to it. But this strategy is not one that is very efficient. Why waste so much of your time on people who have absolutely no interest in what you have to offer?To build a successful network marketing business you have to know who wants what you have to offer. If you are selling skin care products, find those people who are looking for such products. Or if you are selling weight loss products, find those people who need to lose weight.If you are focused more on presenting a business opportunity then you have to find those people who are looking for a business opportunity. Don't try to sell an opportunity to someone who only wants skin care products or those who are only looking for a way to lose weight.Doing so is just a waste of time. Identify the people who are looking for your particular product. If it is a weight loss product don't market to everyone, but focus on those who are in need of weight loss products. If you are selling vacation packages find those who go on vacation on a regular basis.I hope you can see the point I am trying to make. Whatever you are marketing, find those who need what you have. Don't just market to anyone and everyone. You will come across as pushy and also needy. It will take time to build your home based business in the network marketing industry, but if you are focused on who you market to your business will grow much more rapidly than simply marketing to everyone.

