
JavaFit - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

When it comes to trying to choose your next business, the idea of a multilevel marketing company may not immediately appeal to you. However, one of the things you have to remember is that network marketing is a huge industry. There are many different companies to choose from and these are ready-made businesses that you can start immediately. The number of network marketers across the country who are making full time incomes is staggering. One such company is building its business on the amazing popularity of coffee. This company is called JavaFit.Most people have seen beverages that have been infused with vitamins, herbs and other additives make a huge emergence in the marketplace in recent years. For instance, we've all seen vitamin water for sale in grocery and health food stores. Now, because of the huge popularity of coffee, espresso and cappuccino, this company has found a way to create a wonderful business opportunity for those people who want to help others enjoy coffee in a healthy way.The coffee made by JavaFit is a formulated blend of 100% premium coffee from Latin America. The company then packs the drinks with minerals, vitamins and other supplements. For instance, they have coffees that assist people in trying to lose weight, get more energy, enhance exercise, support their immune system, assist with mental clarity and more. If you are thinking of starting an MLM business, this would be a great opportunity to do so.As with any network marketing company, it's important to look at the compensation plan carefully before joining. According to JavaFit, the company has a generous bonus structure for team leaders, commissions which are paid weekly, the ability for affiliates to earn money quickly and create your income potential for part-time effort.There are four different ways to earn money with the company including customer sales, leadership bonuses, fast start bonus and binary bonus. Affiliates can purchase an online retail store and back office for $35 per year. This is a minimal cost to get a business started. Then, you will need to choose what level you are joining the company at because that will change the initial startup charges. You can start the business for as little as $135 total.It is important when choosing a network marketing company that you do some research online and connect with other affiliates to find out what their experience has been with the company. You also want to make sure that you choose a company that offers extensive training programs so that you can get off the ground quickly and start making money. This is one of the perks of working with JavaFit because they do have an extensive online training program. In fact, some of their training is done by a doctor who is the science advisor for the company.If you are thinking about joining an MLM, JavaFit is certainly one to take a look at. It is on the cutting-edge because it is a network marketing company is involved in two high income earning industries: coffee and supplements.

