
Learn How to Be Successful in Network Marketing

Are you perplexed about what a network marketer is? In order to be successful in the profession of network marketing you need to understand what it is. There is a lot of negative press about network marketing companies. What you probably didn't know is that there are a lot of big name companies that are network marketing companies such as: Time Warner, Remington, Citi Group, Sara Lee, Jockey, Hallmark, Vanity Fair and Nestle.Another business term that has a lot of bad press is Multi Level Marketing companies. Do you realize that mostly all companies are multi level? Just take the time to think about it. For example, a company's internal structure starts with a President, Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Director, Senior Managers, Managers, Supervisors, and then staff. Most people start at the bottom and work their way to the top. Most people never make it all the way to the top. However, in a network marketing business you start at the top and build your company under you. You are the C.E.O. of your own company!A network marketing company is not a get rich quick scheme. It is neither a pyramid scam nor the lottery ticket in hope to become rich.It is a home based business that requires several qualifications:Hard work- the more time you put in, the more you will get out of the businessFocus- so that you never lose sight of why you are in businessCommitment- that you will allow time for the business to develop and build a solid foundation, 18-24 months, this is not a sprintPersistence- that you won't give upDedication- so that you can succeedNetwork Marketers are never working by themselves; they have a team to work with. A network marketer works with people they choose to work with and enjoys working with them. Imagine working with people you like to work with, people with a positive outlook like you, who think and want the same things like you do.There are many famous people already involved in network marketing: Warren Buffet (owned 3 network marketing companies), Sir Richard Branson (owns Virgin Airlines) and Donald Trump.What you should look for in a network marketing business is:
a business that with pennies on the dollar, you can earn profits (potentially significant profits) by following a simple model for sharing the opportunity with others
a business that provides the opportunity for free training
a business that provides the opportunity for personal and professional development because as you grow and develop, so will your business
a business that is easily duplicated
a business that already has a system in place, including a marketing system

