To get off to a really good start in networking and affiliate marketing you need to get people to your website/websites and or blogs. You also need people to trust you in the quest of them purchasing or promoting your product.Methods listed below must be avoided.Don't spam people who have not requested any information.
Don't bother with any program that forces people to look at your web page in return of clicks to your websites or credit to the program account. A total waste of time. Target your prospects to related content.
Don't use systems that promise, for example, 10,000 hits for £10 or $20. You will receive the hits but none of it will be targeted and whats more you will loose money. If you want to pay for traffic use one of the trusted Pay Per Click programs from Google or Yahoo using targeted keywords. Be warned you wont get 10,000 hits for £10.You should concentrate on a few of these methods to get started.Adding your links on forums signatures is a really good way to start generating traffic and people will only click on your link if they are interested.
Create articles like this one, and submit it to directories. Then duplicate it with slight differences and submit them to some many other great article submission websites will generate real good conversions.
Ask people questions that relates to your product, if your prospect is interested, be ready with further information and or questions. If no interest is shown just leave it at that. Don't bore people or make them feel pushed into something they just are not interested in. Would you play football if you hated it? NO! Everyone is different, people have differing interests.There are many other ways, but by following this information you won't go far wrong when starting at networking or affiliate marketing.