
Are You Being Reverse Recruited?

Here is a rather interesting recruiting technique that I just learned about last week. It is called reverse recruiting.In its most simple form here is what you do:1. Seek out other network marketer's capture or landing pages.2. Fill in the form (which all of these type of pages have on them) with your name, email address and telephone number.3. Get ready for a return email or telephone call.4. Once you get this email or telephone call, you listen to what the person who is attempting to recruit you has to say and then you attempt to recruit him/her into your business opportunity.To be most effective, do not put your telephone number on the form, just your email address. This way you usually get their personal email address.Does it work? All I could tell you is that when I was the victim of such a technique I was filled with utter disgust that an individual from our network marketing industry would sink to this bottom-feeder level just to secure an (unsuspecting) "lead". I wondered all during our brief (my choice) telephone conversation how desperate this person must be to resort to this colossal waste of my time. In short, I felt violated.Would I want to even consider joining this person's team? Absolutely not. And, quite frankly, would I want this person to join mine? Absolutely not. Why? Chances are he/she would resort to these or similar tactics to build his/her group should he decide to sign-up with me. Thanks, but no thanks.When I first started out in network marketing, I (like most everyone else just starting out) was with Amway. It was a tremendous learning experience for me. As a matter of fact, I often refer to it as my graduate degree in network marketing. I still have Amway friends even though I moved to another MLM sixteen or seventeen years ago. Besides the running of the miles and the constant showing of the plan, what I can recall is the level of respect that we all had for the company.If a reverse recruiter resorts to this tactic, what is it telling me about the respect (or lack thereof) he/she has toward his/her network marketing company? Or, worse yet, what is it telling me about the self-respect this person has for himself/herself?

