Criteria For Picking a Network Marketing Company
When evaluating the best network marketing or MLM company to join, there are many factors you should consider. Here's a list of items used by professionals to jump start the evaluation process.Product- Look at the products offered by the company. Are the products a breakthrough? Are they unique? Are they a "Me Too"? - Competition - What does the competitive landscape look like? Are there other Network Marketing companies in the same space? Are the products offered in the general marketplace? What are the barriers to entry into the product space? Could there be future competition? Are the products patented? - Does the product work - does it work better? - Is the product wanted or needed? - What is the retention/re-order rate?Company Ownership and Management- Background - Business integrity - Network Marketing Experience - CapitalizationCompensation Plan- Breakaway/Coded -Stay away - Upfront money - Residual - Binary - Unilevel - HybridTiming- Are you looking for Residual Income or Exponentially Leveraged Residual Income? - What stage is the company in? Formulation, concentration, momentum, stabilityOffline Systems- Conference Calls- Meetings- Training- Upline SupportOnline Systems- Webinars- Lead GenerationWhile there are many factors to consider, this list will get you started on the right path for evaluating an opportunity.In my opinion, the most important areas to focus on are Timing, Product, and Company. Two out of these three need to be optimal in any opportunity you join and preferably all three.The bottom line is do your research up front!
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