
Is Your Ladder of Success Leaning Against a Dead Tree?

In these tough recessionary times, climbing the ladder of success seems to get harder and harder. Some companies are using the claim of slow sales for not rehiring. These same companies are daily setting up in foreign companies and out-sourcing the labor.A lot of jobs won't be back. You may have to develop a "new you". You can agonize, hate and be angry at the system and try to fight back but I wouldn't recommend it. You have to decide whether you want to feed your ego or feed your family.It will be hard to make "new you" if you work in an accounting firm and the only jobs available are in chemical engineering. However whether or not you are either one of the above and out of work, you will be better served if you look for a new career with a satisfactory income with a minimum of training.Suze Orman, an internationally acclaimed personal finance expert, whom you may have heard on MSNBC, speaks of a time when she was a real estate salesperson. She drove new Mercedes and lived in an elegant house and a fabulous lifestyle. When the real estate market went kaput, several years ago, she was being hounded by creditors and was in jeopardy of losing her home and her car.Suze says at that time she looked into and found her best chance was with a Multilevel Marketing Company. She joined one and found a way to save her home and car and completely recover financially.Today, Suze recommends that you should look into this industry. It is not hard to align with a good company and get free training. The income can be fabulous and you can work from home. You also enjoy the same tax advantages as any Fortune 500 Corporation. Just ask questions. Select a company with a long track record.

