
Is Network Marketing Dead?

Network marketing is not what it used to be. There used to be a time where you could spend 2-5 years giving your best efforts toward a business and create a huge downline by making a list of your friends and family and signing them up. You can then within those 2- 5 years create a substantial income that would allow you to retire and you didn't have to worry about the stability of your downline. Now, although a lot of things have changed for the better, there have been some things that have changed that has made network marketing not the same industry it was. One change for the better is being able to find out more about a business quickly and efficiently. There is so much of a selection on the internet and they all have different compensation plans and offer different things that you are able to join one or several with ease. You can go on the internet right now and see several programs that will announce that they are in pre-launch, or offering some great product or service or will tell you that you don't have to sponsor anyone to make money. However, because we are able to access this information in a matter of minutes, when something happens in our business that we don't like or if we haven't generated enough income quickly enough, we are able to join another company in no time. This hurts the people who are genuinely trying to generate enough extra income online that will help them and their children and their children's children.That is why most likely they got involved in Network Marketing in the first place. For the residuals. But the fact is that residual income is not what it used to be either. Because of the fact that people may move from your program to another program, there are no guarantees that the downline you have today or tomorrow will be around next week or next year. As a result, you can't sustain the income you're currently generating so it becomes difficult to even think about having a big enough downline to retire and achieve financial freedom. Now don't get me wrong I think some of the most greatest products and services come out of the network marketing industry, however, in order to generate some serious retirement income online, we have to be willing to put our traditional thinking aside of how the industry used to be and see it for what it is so we can effectively reach our financial goals.In order to effectively make money online, we have to put aside the concept that we can only get paid a small percentage for our best efforts. Besides, who wants to have to use a calculator to figure out how much or how little you get paid. I sure don't. I want to be able to know that when I bring someone in my business, that I'm getting paid 100% of the profits and not just a piece of it. After all, if you put in the work, you should get paid fully for your efforts. So as a result, you want a business where you receive 100% of the profits because that way, you are able to leverage the money that you are able to receive on a regular basis, to invest in other things, such as real estate, the stock market or a network marketing company because these are all long term investments that even though they take time to build, they are worth while in the long run. The difference is that you are not frustrated because you are under financial distress.You also want a program that will allow you to get paid on a daily basis and on your terms. Instead of waiting on a weekly or monthly check that is based on last months efforts, why not get paid immediately on the efforts you put forth today. Getting that immediate gratification helps you to stay focused and help your members to stay excited because they are able to see and reap the rewards at that moment.Another important feature of a good business is to have a business that you can promote nationally and internationally. Because of certain restrictions in different countries, you might not be able to promote your business in those countries. As a result you are limited to the amount of income you could be making. There could be hundreds of people who could use your product and/or service in that particular country, however, if there is a restriction, you are missing out on making more money.You also want an effective and simple system that anyone can use to build their business. One of the great things about the internet is that there are so many ways to promote your business and with the right tools and training you will have a great chance of being successful as opposed to just relying on some of the more traditional ways of marketing. For example, talking with friends and family or talking with people you know. With the right system, you can reach so many people nationally and internationally. Plus, network marketers like yourself, find it difficult to make the money they want to earn online because they just can't find the right combination of business and system to effectively do so.So, is network marketing dead? I believe that the way that we have perceived network marketing to be is dead. I think that we have to realize this truth so that we can make the necessary adjustments. Only then will we be truly able to make enough money online and ultimately reach our financial goals.

7 Reasons Most People Fail in Internet Marketing - Do Any of These Describe You?

It is very possible to earn a full or part time income online, but a great many people fail. I have a career I love, yet still manage to have fun and earn substantial capitol online. I'm not smarter than most people that fail, and I'm certainly not luckier! So why do so many people fail online?1) Unreasonable Expectations. Not everything you try is going to work. Plenty of my Web sites fail, but many make very good money as well. I expect failures as well as successes.2) Laziness. You need to work to make money online. There is no get rich quick scheme that works, at least not regularly. You need to work hard and smart. You will put in lots of time, especially initially.3) Unwillingness to experiment. The Internet is constantly changing. What worked last year may not work this year or may need to evolve. If you are looking for cookbook instructions, with no thought required at all, just give up now. They do not exist. They need to be constantly tweaking things and trying new approaches.4) Not willing to learn. You don't and can't know everything about online business, but you need to be constantly learning. I've probably learned more about online business than I learned in four years of college, although I started making money before that point too. I you love learning, you're in the right place.5) Jumping from approach to approach without learning any one well. There are plenty of ways to succeed online, but you need to find one or more that work for you. Jumping around like crazy is common, but not productive.6) Confusing activity with progress. You can be constantly busy without ever getting anything done! Focus on your goals and tasks towards them. Reading email and checking stats dozens of times a day is activity for example, but not necessarily progress!7) Many people simply are not qualified to be entrepreneurs. If you can't even define "entrepreneur" you'd better go look it up! Are you self motivated? Are you willing to work hard and delay gratification for the chance of a bigger payout later?Plenty of people make money online, and you probably can too. Check over the list above and make sure it doesn't describe you, and if it does, change if you can. And remember, most people can do it, and you probably can succeed online eventually too.


All Computer Problems and Frustrations Gone Forever From Your Home Or Office!

Sooner or later everyone with a computer will face some sort of challenge or problem with their computer. The only option so far was to dial a friend or call someone with more computer knowledge than yourself. For more serious problems you would either have to disconnect and bring your computer in for repairs or have a technician come out to you. At an average of about $60 per hour and being at the mercy of the repair shop, not knowing what they are doing or how long it will take, this is an Amazing alternative for all your computer needs. Automatic Geeks, a company 2+ years in the making has come up with an amazing cutting edge technology which is virtual and instant!They are the first to bring it to the market place and in a trillion dollar a year industry there is much need for it! Once connected with a 10-15 year experienced computer geek from the comfort of your own home, you will have all your computer issues handled within minute at a fraction of the cost of what you would normally have to pay! The computer geek takes over your computer through a high security software, which the Government, Banks, and large corporations use, the safest way to have your computer worked on within minutes.Any problems from removing serious viruses, upgrades, downloading software for f.r.e.e, to answering any questions or concern you might have about your computer and handling them virtually on your computer. It might be 3 am and you are having problem with a software, or you purchased a I-phone or electronic device and are not sure how to use it with your computer, whatever the issue is, you have unlimited help and support 24/7 by a professional Geek. They also offer tutoring for anyone who is looking to learn how to use a computer to more advanced applications.. With everyone looking for immediate gratification, there is no better way to have all your computer needs handled, quickly, efficiently, and economically! Eliminate all your computer frustrations and problems once and for all...24/7 Don't take my word for it, the company is offering a F>R>E>E tune up on your computer, a $99 value so you can experience this incredible technology first hand. I had my computers "geeked" and my 2+ year old desk top and my 4 year old lap top are running smarter and faster, like the day I bought them!! Just imagine your own Professional Geek available to you 24/7 to eliminate ALL your computer frustrations!! Go to http://www.pcmastergeek.com and see for yourself, Your computer will thank you!!! Prosperous Regards... Steven Fursik

Home Business Opportunity - Why Network Marketing

In larger than ever numbers product manufacturers with newly innovative, safe consumable products that are superior in quality are choosing the Network Marketing model business structure as their distribution method. It creates a clientele of home business owners that share the business concept with other prospective home business owners and sells product directly to valued consumers that do not have the aspirations for becoming a business owner.The manufacturer takes the risk, because it is operating colossal production facilities that are very expensive to maintain, while the home business owner has very little overhead, and can begin part time. By sharing the business opportunity with others, the Network Marketing members are able to grow their business in multiple levels or become a big business, while small in physical size.The manufacturer is already rich. The days of convincing big banks that you have, to coin a phrase, built a better mouse trap is in the past, and it takes millions to build out a mass production facility. Traditionally a manufacturer would follow this up with corporate offices worldwide, and develop advertising campaigns to promote the product. By using the Network Marketing business distribution method, the advertising responsibility is passed down to the home business owner. The home business owner not only advertises the product for sale and commission earnings, they too advertise the home business opportunity.Network Marketing is the modern day name for Multi Level Marketing. The original name was established for the reasons within the aforementioned paragraph. You build your business upon multiple levels. Commissions on sales and bonus incentives can earn you a substantial income, but building a business of multiple levels creates leverage income and leverage income has the capacity to create wealth.Network Marketing did not conceive the concept of leverage income. Leverage income streams are the backbone of capitalism. Generations of wealth is passed down by the rich through ongoing leverage duplicating income streams. Network Marketing opens these doors of opportunity to anyone whose wish it is to pursue it.Thanks to the advent of the internet Network Marketing is no long constrained to being a word of mouth business. Network Marketers now have at their disposal a means to compete with the big advertisers through websites, and search engines. The learning curve is minimal and the information is freely available. Add a few more terms to you vocabulary if they don't already exist, such as SEO (search engine optimization) and PR (page rank) and you are on you way.

3 Network Marketing Secrets Revealed

In our own competitive world today, to know a lot of network marketing secrets would give us the upper hand. Many people and businesses as well have tried using one program to another if only it will let them have their own dream business.The truth is that 99% of these people end up failing. The names Quixtar, Market America, Amway and Liberty Alliance may have played in your ears but only to find out that it was extremely difficult to convince people into the entire business idea. So the big question then becomes, how does one get to be successful in multi-level-marketing?Capacity- particularly on planning and implementing effective network marketing techniques - is a huge challenge for most businesses today. In this article, you will know of some network marketing secrets that can supercharge your company's marketing strategies with social media as leverage. For each suggestion, a more profound explanation and strategy is added. The following tips have been really efficient for hundreds of people in different industries.But before anything else, you must first begin outlining your objectives for your social media marketing methods and find out how you are going to define and measure success in this field. Once you have your goals set straight, let us discuss one network marketing secret at a time and slowly peg on social media as a great marketing initiative.1. FacebookFacebook provides exceptional, low cost marketing opportunities for start-up companies and small businesses. Facebook now has more than three hundred million users, and while that seems like an overwhelming number for small businesses to be eying, Facebook holds a very powerful platform on which to build your online presence. If you don't have a profile yet, you better sign up now.2. TwitterTwitter has tremendously grown over the past year. It provides a great marketing platform for small businesses. If you haven't signed up yet, you must already sign up for a Twitter account and reserve one for your business's name and even much better on your personal name. You can Tweet from your business account but to do so in your own name is a more efficient means of making yourself known.Once you already have a Twitter account, spend about 15-30 minutes on the home page to make yourself familiar with the site. Search on people who have the same interests and find out how they use their own Twitter accounts.3. Company BlogAlthough the current focus on social media marketing is more on social networks than on company blogs, blogs still continue to offer great value for every business possible.At least you should register a unique domain name for the site. If you are confident enough to put up your own blog, then it's a good way to start - although doing this would require more technical familiarities as far as blogging is concerned.It may sound old school for you, but making use of blogs as a marketing tool has been one of the most powerful internet marketing secrets that a lot of people still do today.

Home Based Marketing Business That Anyone Can Do

A popular online job that is gaining popularity everyday is working for call centers. The job title is customer service operators and there are several different companies out there that you can work for out of your own home. At first glance it seems like a wonderful opportunity, but there are some negatives that you may want to think about before signing on. They usually pay around $6 an hour based upon the calls that you get and your pay is dependent upon how many minutes you are on the phone. It takes approximately 2-3 months to start generating a number of calls. There are times that you can sit at your desk for hours without even getting a call.Also, the environment that you are working in has to be completely quiet, no kids screaming or dogs barking in the background. If you are a stay at home mom trying to make some extra money that may be hard for you to do. Another negative is the upsells, if you have ever been on the phone with an operator and you only called in for one product it can be very frustrating to say the least when they continually try to get you to purchase more products. It can also be very frustrating for the person who is working in customer service because trying to get you to buy more than what you called in for is part of their job and they can get in trouble if they do not follow the scripts they are given.Have you ever thought about starting your own eBay business? Selling on eBay involves selling unwanted items that you have lying around your house and/or working with wholesalers and becoming a professional seller. The drawback is that it does cost money to sell on eBay, so keep in mind that there are fees to be paid. Also, if you are going to be using PayPal, and it is almost a necessity that you do so, you are going to be paying fees for receiving money through them as well. You are going to need an accounting system so you can keep track of everything that is coming in and going out of your business.You are going to need start-up cash in order to get merchandise. Your budget will determine how much merchandise you are going to start out selling. You are also going to need to be able to find the merchandise. There are plenty of wholesalers out there, but be careful that you find a reputable company to deal with. More than likely you are going to have inventory to stock so you may want to consider where you are going to store your merchandise so that it does not get damaged. Definitely do a lot of research, it takes time to learn eBay's policies and it takes time to figure out what people are buying and what they are not.On another note, there are also a lot of affiliate marketing programs out there that are promising the moon to unsuspecting individuals. You have probably come across the ads that tell you that you can get rich overnight using their money making system. Then you find out that you have to be a web page designer so that you can design your website or pay someone else a lot of money to do it for you, then you have to find hosting, you have to do a lot of research to come up with the right niche and just the right products to promote, and the list goes on and on.

Network Marketing Gave Us Our Son Back!

We were worried. Health issues eroded our young adult son's confidence and potential. Amazing to us, Network Marketing started him on to the road to recovery. He continues to progress. We are encouraged.How is it possible? It is hard to know what to tell you. It started with a simple product and a dream planted in a willing mind. Just the right mix of product, leadership and a willingness to work produced amazing results. It is really a success story in the making. We will see how it turns out.In review, my son has struggled since just after high school with several physical challenges. Eventually, these challenges took their toll. His confidence wavered and his ability to work past his hours on the job were nearly impossible. Many days he would come home from work and go to bed. He would sleep through till the next day. He would get up just in time to go to work again. He was becoming more and more of an introvert at a time when he might have built on the success of his acting experiences in High School.About a year ago Tyler met Kevin Goldberg. Kevin was a non-stop go getter. Tyler could see potential in this Network Marketing business. He felt it was something he could do. The product gave Tyler the on demand energy he needed on his bad days. It also provided additional nutritional elements missing in his diet. Pretty soon Tyler was enjoying his after work hours again.Tyler used his new found energy to go to meetings and work with Kevin in building his business. Kevin could see potential and began to push Tyler. Tyler was willing to jump in on a call when asked. As he began seeing success he would build on each experience. Soon, he was challenged to expand his efforts. Other mentors have helped Tyler grow in areas outside his business.A few weeks ago he was the MC for a large Super Saturday event. He has taken leadership for his group, sharing his success story and helping others overcome challenges they face as they strive to build their related businesses.Network Marketing, thank you for restoring my son! It is great to have him back!

How to Start a Home Based Business 101!

Learning how to start a home based business is easier than many think. The more difficult part of the learning curve is staying dedicated. You must stay dedicated to learning what is necessary to be successful. The more you learn, the more value you can offer your team, the faster your team will build. But a big question people have in this industry is, "What do I need to learn?"And this is a great question because there is so much information available, it's very easy to feel confused and overwhelmed when you learn how to start a home based business. So let's start with the basics.How to start a home based business...learn to build your teamOne of the greatest things about network marketing is that you can earn income on other people's time and efforts! This gives you the opportunity to earn a massive income in a relatively short amount of time.So, with that said, one of the most important things you can learn as a leader and entrepreneur in this industry is how to build a team. Building a team is what will give you the life long residual income that you never thought possible. And there is actually a technique you can use to easily accomplish this, and it's called the Power of One.The Power of One is a very simple concept that enables you to build a huge team very quickly. All you do is commit to telling one person about your business every day and recruiting one person into your business every month. You then teach this technique to your team (the people you sponsor) and have them do the same thing. Your business will literally double every single month with this very simple technique.Team = Together Everyone Achieves More. Embrace this, and you will all reap the rewards.How to start a home based business...learn how to marketAnother very important skill to have when you own a home based business, is how to market yourself and your opportunity. Now, you don't have to have a marketing degree to know how to market. It's actually much easier than many think.One of the best marketing skills you can acquire is SEO or search engine optimization. SEO harnesses the power of the internet to market you and your business. And the greatest thing about SEO, is when you have your marketing set up, it will advertise for you, a lot of it for free, for the rest of eternity, unless you decide to take it down.Imagine how much more successful you could be if your website showed up on the front page of Google. That's what SEO can do for you. It gives you the opportunity to have your articles, ads, websites, etc. show up on the first page of Google, Yahoo, MSN, and any other major search engines...for free. If you know how to do it right. And that's why education is so very important. It will give you the knowledge you need to run your home based business right.How to start a home based business...get a mentorMy friends, I cannot stress this enough. It is absolutely imperative that you have a mentor. The reason is because a mentor can literally shed months if not years of trial and error and frustration off of your learning process. This is because he or she can show you exactly what they've done to be successful and have you replicate it. They can teach you the ins and outs of the home based business industry, what to look out for, what to avoid, and how to duplicate the success they have reached.Now, I'm not saying that your mentor has to be a millionaire. But you want a mentor that's been in the industry for a little while and has seen some success. You don't want somebody claiming to be a mentor that doesn't really know what they're doing.If you learn how to start a home based business but don't have a mentor, chances are, you will feel lost and overwhelmed. You need somebody there to guide you along the way and help you with any challenges that you may run into.How to start a home based business...take that next stepPart of being a leader and entrepreneur is to be decisive. You must act. Dreams without action will always remain dreams. Make your dreams a reality by achieving financial success by further educating yourself on how to start a home based business. Education is great, but you must also act. The longer you wait to make a move, the more you postpone the success you deserve.So if you are ready to take control of your financial future and create success with your own home based business, I invite you to click on one of the links in this article to watch my free video on network marketing, and click on one of the links in the video to fill out your information, so you can start your training.


How to Get More Network Marketing Leads From Classified Ad Sites

Are you looking for a great way to generate leads for your network marketing business? Classified ad sites are a great way to accomplish this. Many have decided to leave classified ads behind, claiming they are not worth it anymore. I believe this is a BIG mistake.The benefits of placing classified ads online certainly outweigh the "supposed" detriments.What Are Classified Ad Sites?Classified advertising sites are essentially sites that allow you to post short classified ads. Some even allow you unlimited posting capabilities and give you the ability to use HTML in your ad.One of the most well known classified ad sites is Craigslist, which people commonly use to post items for sale, jobs, and opportunities. You can also use this site to post an ad for your business as long as you do not abuse it.Craigslist allows you to post your ad for free, and you are able to target your ad to a specific geographic area within the United States and other countries also. Craigslist allows you to post as many ads as you want to in as many different cities around the word that you wish.The trick is to stay on top of your ads and create a system of posting. Your ads will fall off the site quickly due to the massive posting going on. Craigslist is a very busy site.A word of warning: You may also see ads on Craigslist that will try and sell you automated posting software. I suggest you stay away from these services as Craigslist frowns upon this kind of software.If you post your ads manually and use Craigslist as it is intended to be used, you will be able to post as many ads as you wish without any problems. At least this has been my experience.Craigslist may be the most visited classified ad site online, but it is not the only big one. To find other classified ad sites, I suggest you go to Google and simply search for more. You will find thousands of different sites. Of course, you will not be able to use all of them and you also wouldn't want to, as some of them will be a total waste of your time.To better optimize your postings make sure you research the "usage" statistics of a classified ad site you are thinking of posting an ad on. If the classified ad site only looks to have about 50-100 visitors per day, it is probably not worth your time to post. However, if it draws 100,000 visitors a day, you have a great site on your hands.You can get traffic estimates for any website through alexa.com or quantcast.com. Just go to either of these sites and put in the URL of the classified ad site you wish to research.Quantcast is one of my favorite ways to research classified ad sites as they also give you demographic data.The Benefits of Classified Ad SitesWhen I first started out building my business online I did not have very much money to invest in advertising. I could barely afford my autoship for the company I was in! I used classified ads almost exclusively for awhile. I was able to use them because many are free or extremely low cost. This makes for a great and even almost guaranteed ROI.Additionally, the search engines give respect to many of the larger and more well-known classified ad sites because they are constantly generating new content with each ad being posted. Sometimes this can cause your ad to show up in the top of the search results for certain keywords. Extra traffic is always a plus!Also, because the search engines give respect to these sites, the links to your site (where you are capturing your leads), are considered to have more authority. You will be building backlinks to your site from sites that are seen as important and authoritative. This is great for SEO purposes and can only benefit your site.Creating a Classified AdCreating a classified ad is fairly easy, but you still need to do some planning. You are going to want to make sure the classified ad site has an audience that is right for your product or service. The best way to do that is to use quantcast.com, as I mentioned above. The demographic data that quantcast provides allows you to write a compelling and persuasive ad which will speak to the specific audience of that site.Also, make sure you read the Terms of Service of the site so you know what you can and cannot say. Some sites will not allow certain types of work at home ads.You will need to look at a few of the other classified ads that are already listed too. This will give you a good feel for what your ad will look like when you go to create it.The Purpose of Your Classified AdYou need to know what "action" you are seeking your visitor to take when they come to your ad. Yes, I know this sounds redundant, but unless you keep in mind what it is you want your visitor to do at all times, you won't craft an ad that works to your advantage.Advertising is all about tapping into the conversation your prospect is having with themselves at the time they are reading your ad. You need to enter into that conversation and capture their attention by providing an answer to the questions they have or a solution to their problem. You should be able to do this in less than 100 words. Of course, the answer to their question and the solution to their problem is to opt into your lead capture page.Before you start a classified ad campaign, it would be a good idea to study ads you find compelling and effective. Save emails you receive that catch your interest, and bookmark sales letters with headlines that pull you in. As you collect these types of ads you will be building for yourself what is known as a "Swipe File." You will be able to go to this swipe file and pull out ideas whenever you are looking to write a new ad.3 Tips For Maximizing Your Classified Ad StrategyThere are three essential tips you need to know before starting on your classified ad campaign.1) Make sure you write several ads so you are not always using the same ones on every site. It is best to write a minimum of 10 short ads that you feel will do well, and begin to post them. The main reason you want to do this is not to avoid duplicate content issues (which is mostly a myth) but so that you can see which ads are going to work better for your audience on any given site. This leads us into strategy #2...2) Make sure you are testing and tracking your ads. To do this you are going to need to have some sort of ad tracking software. Don't only track the amount of clicks to your site from the ad itself, although that is an important first step. What really matters most is how many leads your ad generates from that traffic.Clicks to your site does not make you any money. They need to opt-in to get your information first. You need to know what your conversion rate from visits to leads is. That is the most important number when you need to know which ad is most effective.3) This third strategy is a great strategy and takes very little time. Once you create a classified ad and post it, you should get a URL for your ad. Take this URL and submit it to social bookmarking sites. You can create awareness of your offer and reach many more people with your message with the same content.Classified ads are not new but they still work. If you use them correctly they can be very effective for you and provide a really solid ROI. If you focus on this strategy and follow my suggestions in this article you will see an increase in the number of leads you generate per day.If you can generate 50 leads per day, and put them through a good follow-up system that markets your business, you should be able to build a full-time income in ANY network marketing company.

MLM Leads - Generate Your Own From Among Many Millions

Once you understand how to distinguish between people to select MLM prospects, you will know instantly why the old advice "Make a list of 200 of your family and friends" doesn't work.It would be the same no matter what you were going to approach your " 200 friends " about. Not only MLM, but the vast majority of them would not be good prospects for whatever you were looking for.For example, if you were looking for ministers. This is a perfectly honorable vocation, but how many of " your 200 " would want to follow you into the ministry?Another example, what if you were seeking heavy equipment operators or ballet dancers or architects or common laborers. What percentage of your friends would join you?So, no matter what you are trying to get people to do, you don't go to a group of people from all kinds of backgrounds and aptitudes. Obviously, most wouldn't want to change and do as you suggest. And you shouldn't feel personally rejected when they say no.Instead, you go to to people who have already shown a deep interest in your project. In this case, MLM. Your best prospects are those who have already tried Network Marketing themselves.It doesn't matter if they are successful MLMers or not. It doesn't matter if they are presently trying to earn money from home or not.They are all a lot better prospects for MLM than any random group out there.Why are these folks such good prospects? Probably several or many reasons. among the biggest seems to be that they are attracted to the lifestyle of the successful Network Marketer. They want the life of freedom and fulfillment offered by MLM. They want to be a positive influence on the others who become involved with them. They crave ongoing income.But the big one is that they have dreams which they formed at age 11 or 12. They know deep down that those dreams can come true and that they can make them come true. But they have also come to believe that Network Marketing is their very best shot at realizing those dreams. The one thing they know beyond any doubt is that no amount of linear income will do it for them, certainly not the dead end jobs most of us can find.Such people will accept coaching. Such people will pay attention if you are sincere in wanting to show them a better way to do it. There are literally millions of wonderful, deserving people out there who are starving for the truth and you can offer them the truth by getting with us in our mentoring program.Would you like to be shown a system, a method for finding and attracting an unending supply of such prospects?And what if this how-to information were free?What if you were advised to never buy a lead? Or make a list?You have the availability of a unique thing in the Networking industry. You have an invitation to get together with a group of several thousands of top Network Marketers who will open their hearts and minds to you. They will show you why your previous lack of success is not your fault. Much more than that, they will teach you all you need to know about the right way to do Network Marketing in today's world.You will be able to reach those dreams if you are willing to receive the knowledge. You see, it doesn't matter how wonderful a blessing you are offered. You must receive it and embrace it and make it your own before it will benefit you. We believe you are ready.

Why Online MLM Business and How to Promote Online MLM Business?

Generally, we refer our MLM opportunity to the people to whom we know; that is the method of offline promotions. We invite them to the presentations, then we follow up them and then only we can close a few of them. Thereafter, some of them work with us and some of them do not work, at all. Naturally, only a few people can succeed in the MLM. It causes bitter relation with the own relatives, friends, neighours and contacts. In case of Online MLM Business, we do not need to depend on the known persons online. There are millions of people online, who are looking for a real genuine income opportunity. So, we can easily reach to them and propose our Online MLM Business.We know that, MLM is nothing but a game of numbers. If we see our Offline contacts, the number is very small. On the other hand, there are several ways to increase our contact list through online methods.There is need of distributing flyers on the roads placing big hoardings and spending huge money on publishing advertisements in news papaers. Online MLM Business is much economical to promote.We also do not need to depend on physical presentation or product demo for prospecting. If, you have a website, you can start your work online. Everything like prospecting, demo, follow up, etc. can be done online, using video, power point presentation, conference rooms, etc. There are great softwares available for conferencing and one need not pay any rent or fee for that. One can use skype for audio conference and dimdim for video conference.Generally, people are scared of spending money every month. In most of the offline MLM, we need to maintain inventory and there is recurring investments and risks; whereas, inventory is not an essential in case of Online MLM Business.Handling cash is a big difficulty to some people. If, some one wants to avoid cash handling then, Online MLM Business is appropriate to them.Initial investment of opening showroom or stocking products or employing persons to deal with the customers can be avoided by joining an Online MLM Business.Online MLM Business can be done globally if, there is no restriction from any particular country. People can join by using credit cards. That's why it is very fast.One can leverage on the latest technology of Internet. There are social networking sites, article submission sites, forums, press release sites, free classified websites, chat rooms, messengers, e-mail marketing, web to sms service, conference rooms, video websites, autoresponders, ppc sites, etc. available to promote Online MLM Business.

Network Marketing Success Secrets

So you're ready to make a fortune in network marketing?Well, my friend, you've definitely picked the right industry.Before network marketing, I was stuck at jobs where I punched a time clock full of hours with unfulfilled potential. I had to ask permission to spend time with my family or go on vacations.Fast forward to now. I play with my sons whenever I want. And believe me, they love to play.I'm able help my wife with our 2 month old baby. I have a 5 second commute from the kitchen to the office and I'm living a life of FREEDOM! I love it!Network marketing has the potential to give you whatever you want in life if you know how to build it right.Trust me, building a network marketing business isn't as easy as the corporate headquarters make it sound. I struggled for years before I finally figured out how to build my network marketing business to the point where I could retire from my job.I want to share a few tips that will help you get what you want out of your network marketing business.SUCCESS KEY #1 - LeadershipBefore you can start to achieve success in MLM you've got to have 2 things in place.1. Leadership2. Daily presentationsYou've got to be working with someone that has leadership. Someone that has vision and can communicate that vision to mass numbers of people through a daily presentation system.No one does anything without being influenced by someone that leadership. Every great project or enterprise in the history of the world has been based on this principle.Once your leader is place, you can focus on getting people to look at the message. Each new partner can focus on getting people to look at the message.If you have to wait for everyone on your team to become an expert, catch the vision and learn to communicate with passion, you're in for an extremely slow growth process.You only need 1 person that can communicate the message. Once you've got this in place, you can go to work.SUCCESS KEY #2 - Master The FundamentalsOnce you've got the leadership in place, the next part is easy.Learn to make friends and invite people to the message.Do this yourself every day, teach your team to do this every day, and watch your income explode.It's mathematically impossible for you not to be successful if enough people look at a convincing presentation by your leader. The law of averages says that a certain % of people will join.Michaal Jordan always said "Master the Fundamentals." In network marketing, the fundamentals are simple.1) Make New Friends Every Day2) Ask those friends if they are open to looking at a way to generate income outside of what they are currently doing.Pretty simple huh? That's why I LOVE this industry.SUCCESS KEY #3 - LeverageIf you want to become a master recruiter in your network marketing business, you'll need to implement leverage in your recruiting efforts.Leverage allows us to accomplish more with less in whatever goal we are out to achieve.If you are digging a ditch would you choose a shovel as your tool or a back hoe? The back hoe gives you leverage because you're able to get more done in a much shorter period of time.The top recruiters in network marketing use leverage in their recruiting to enroll 3 to 5 people per day with ease. They do this by using using the power of the internet. With the internet, you can make a video of yourself that plays your message 24/7 7 days a week. You can take that same video and turn it into 300 videos that are in essence, 300 miniature versions of you that are broadcasting your message over and over to thousands of people.This is leverage my friend and it's how the TOP income earners are able to recruit 3 to 10 people a day with ease.

Ten Reasons You Should Join Network Marketing

One of the saddest things to see is someone who hates their job, but has no choice but to continue with it. In today's job market, one should be thankful that they even have a job. However, life is not always as it seems. The truth is, there are other options. The online world is filled with a variety of great opportunities and one of them is a billion dollar industry. If you need a change, here are ten reasons why you should considering joining network marketing:1. Network marketing can provide you with the extra income you need to give your family a better life. Whether it is saving for a vacation home in the Caribbean or a new vehicle, working as a marketer, you can easily save money toward your dream.2. This business can also provide you with the financial freedom you have been dreaming about. Not everyone will get rich, but a high percentage of marketers make more money than they did from their previous employment.3. Those who join this industry also find themselves working less hours and making more money. What this means is more time for you to spend with the people you care about or doing the things you have always wanted to do, but never had the time.4. Marketers spend most of their time building relationships with their customers and prospects. This means you will get to meet a lot of new people, both in person and online.5. As a marketer, you will find there are many opportunities to improve yourself. Personal development is one of the main benefits of becoming a marketers. Whether you need to work on your self-confidence or speaking in public, you will find the opportunity will present itself when you work in this business.6. You will also enjoy the satisfaction of helping others to achieve their own dreams. By recruiting other people into this business, you can help them to reach their own financial freedom and personal development goals.7. When you join network marketing, you are starting your own business. If being your own boss and in charge of your time has been a lifelong dream of yours, becoming a marketer will allow you to fulfill these goals and more.8. Not everyone is the type of person who jumps out of bed at 6am and is ready to work. In this business, one of the luxuries is deciding when you want to work and how much. You won't be clocking in and the only one keeping track of your time spent working will be you.9. As you will be earning a higher income, you can plan for your retirement easier. In fact, many individuals in this business find themselves looking at early retirement, as they have built up enough residual income that they will be able to live quite comfortably.10. As you will own your own network marketing business, you will never have to live in fear of losing your employment due to the economy. The fact is, the only way you are going to get out of the business is if you make the decision that you no longer wish to be involved with it.

5 Advantages of a Binary Compensation Plan

Network marketing or multilevel marketing is a popular platform for doing business today. Many network companies exist, and each one offers a wide array of products and services to offer prospective home-based entrepreneurs. While each network marketer knows that it takes a lot of hard work and determination to succeed, the trick is finding an MLM company that pays the best. Paying the best also means that the company may have a feasible compensation plan in place. However, most MLM distributors and affiliates are sometimes duped into believing that a certain compensation plan will make them lots of money. So how hard will you have to work for your money?What are the common MLM compensation plans?In multilevel marketing, there are basically 4 major types of compensation plans. These are the Stairstep, Unilevel, Matrix and Binary plans. First let's discuss how a binary compensation plan works. A Binary plan is a pay structure that's based on the number two. Each level of your network marketing organization is composed of two people. This means that once you sponsor two people to your MLM business organization, you already have filled your front line, and have set up yourself to create viral growth that's very much typical with these types of compensation structures. There are 5 advantages that distinguish the binary compensation plan from other MLM compensation models.1. You Actually Profit From the success of your up-lineWith a binary compensation model, your up-line or (the person that sponsor you into the business) will actually benefit from your success, since the binary system makes your up-line place new members under you. This is called the spillover, and can truly change the amount of residual income you get, regardless of your level of success, or how you mentor other people in your MLM organization.2. It offers a "Two to Infinity" PayoutBecause this system enables your MLM business organization to grow two fold, it swill offer what is referred to as the "two to infinity" payout. So, regardless of whether how deep you install new members into your down-line, it's most likely that you'll make the same amount of compensation or commissions, from other people's sales and referrals. The binary plan is often viewed to offer the best benefit of all, as compared to other comp schemes.3. A Binary compensation plan works best in fostering teamworkAccording to veteran MLM distributors, the binary plan is often viewed as a structure that best promotes teamwork, both for the up-line and down-line. With this model, you'll still benefit even if you think that your sponsor is "stealing" a new recruit from you, because the system automatically places a new member beneath you, so you don't have to worry that you're being ripped off by your main sponsor.4. Your up-line usually helps you build one side of the legOften times, in a binary system, your up-line will most usually help you build the other leg, while he guides you into building the other leg. The binary system is advantageous because half of your compensation can be made or developed by another entity, which may usually be more experienced than you. Therefore, all you need is to just build your side of the leg, and you collect double compensation after. The binary system is often referred to as a robust synergy-based system, where your up-line is able to directly contribute to your overall efforts.5. You dictate how many down-lines are placed on each of the two legsDepending on how your MLM Company interprets the binary compensation system, with this model it's most likely that you can actually dictate how many members will be placed in each of the two legs. Here's an example: If an MLM program states that you need to sponsor one member into your left leg, and one member in the right leg, to allow you to qualify for commission. So your mission would be to sponsor two members, one in your original leg and the other in the new leg. In the end, you will be paid royalty or group commissions based on "groups" of members.In a binary compensation model, all members will benefit from all new members that are sponsored by their up-line in the same leg. And apart from getting group commissions depending on the network marketing program you join, you'll also be able to get extra bonuses from each individual that you personally sponsor.


STOP Looking For the Best Home Based Business!

Because there is no Best Home Based Business!I was on a team webinar last night that had a Q&A at the end. It made me realize something about our business that I wanted to share with you and get off my chest, quite frankly. Why did you join your current company in the first place? Was it because of the income opportunity that the business presents or the fact that you absolutely love the product and need to have it? The real question is "What is the Best Home Based Business For You".It really comes down to what you are looking for. Let's not sugar coat it though...the reason we all get involved in network marketing is to make money! People tend to make excuses for their lack of success and lose sight of why they are in their network marketing business in the first place.A little nit-picky comment was made by one of the team members about the product mix and my sponsor responded exactly the way I would have! He said (and I paraphrase):"Our products are fine...better than most actually. But, if you are looking for a business where you can just sell products, this is not the business for you. We are selling a home based business opportunity. You can set-up a website and just sell products OR...you can grasp the opportunity that you have right now, and that you have already paid for, selling a very lucrative home based business opportunity that can earn you a substantial income this year IF you work. The choice is yours."Mindset is everything. I learned this a long time ago and it holds true...If you are waiting for everything to be perfect before you take action, you'll never take action. If you are in a home-based business, then you are an ENTREPRENEUR...a business owner. You need to think like a business owner and only you know why you joined your current company in the first place. There honestly is no "Best" home based business in my opinion, although there are a lot of very good ones, so STOP looking for it!Decide if you would prefer to sell products or sell a business opportunity. Do your due diligence to make sure that the company makes you feel comfortable. Then...Go For It!

Organo Gold MLM (There's Gold in Them There MLM Hills, Organo!)

Organo Gold derives its name from the organically grown Ganoderma mushroom. They have developed a product line which stems from it and thank the good Lord they called it Organo Gold and not Magic Mushrooms or we might all be in trouble. They concentrate mainly on hot beverages and nutraceuticals. It is worth noting that in order for an MLM to have a good chance of success you need to have some originality to your product. The Ganoderma mushroom is only found in one geographical region organically, so they have their bases covered there.The product line has advantages too. Western society loves coffee! When you have a product that has this much of a customer pool to draw from and add in a several thousand year old history of nutritional benefits, you have a consumable product that has a chance. You also have the same advantage with Organo Gold's tea line-up.The nutraceutical products also have good potential. The supplement trend is a multi-billion dollar industry and Organo Gold has shown themselves to be wise to ride that wave. There are four supplements and they deal with overall health boosting, antioxidants, immune system boosting, longevity and vitality. Those categories are all hot-button topics, so your chances just went up for success.The compensation plan is well developed and they offer you 7 streams of income. I'll give you a run down:1) Retail: Organo Gold gives you permission to mark up the product from 50% to 500%. As long as your price is higher than the price they post on the website they don't seem to care.2) Fast Start Bonus: Whenever you enroll a distributor and the purchase a builder pack, you earn volume points which convert into commission. There are three levels they can enroll; the Bronze is $199, Silver is $499 and Gold is $1295. I hope they give you a lot of product for that price!3) Dual Team Commissions: Oregano Gold uses a binary matrix. When one leg is shorter than the other they give you a matching bonus of 10% on the shorter leg.4) Unilevel Commissions: This applies to your re-order quantity. If you maintain a minimum level of personal sales you qualify for bonuses according to what rank you have reached in the company.5) Matching Bonus: There is an additional 20% of the Unilevel Commission on all of the distributors you personally bring in to Organo Gold.6) Generational Bonus: The Generational bonus is available to you when one of your team members reaches the rank of Sapphire and 2% to 3%7) Global Bonus Pool. Basically, the more you contribute to the Unilevel CV, the better this bonus is.Another important aspect of MLM is the amount of training and mentoring you have access to; after all, the best compensation plan in the world won't help you at all if you can't figure out how to use it or can't sell the product. Organo Gold seems to have a solid dedication to giving you a hand in this area. They have all the usual methods of training such as websites to do just that and conference calls to give you that one-on-one feeling.Organo Gold has covered all the bases well, it seems. In the end though, it really comes down to your dedication. They have given you all the tools you need. It's up to you to make it work. Remember, there's gold in them there hills, Organo!

Best Network Marketing Companies - What to Look For

When joining an network marketing company make sure you do your homework on that company. There are a lot of MLM companies to choose from and all of them will tell you that their company has the best product and the best compensation plan in the industry. Some claim that their product or services are so good that it will sell itself because it is something that everybody has to have.First of all you have to really believe in the product or services in order to efficiently market it. If you don't you are wasting your time with that company.The first thing I look at before joining a company is their rules and regulations on marketing procedures. A few network marketing companies are dead set on marketing by using the old strategies of making lists, cold calling, three way calling and a number of other old marketing techniques that don't work very well anymore. Some of these companies will not allow their products or services to be marketed any other way.I steer clear of the companies that will not allow marketers to use some of the hottest, cutting edge strategies that some of the top masterminds in this industry are using. These strategies are used to literally explode their businesses into 6 figure incomes in a fraction of the time it takes using the old methods. There is an arsenal of new tools and strategies available to network marketers today, and the companies that don't allow them are seriously losing ground fast in the MLM rankings. I refuse to give a company like this a second look.Another thing I take a real serious look at is whether or not a company offers a residual income as part of its compensation plan. Residual income has the potential to pay you over and over again for the rest of time. I would much rather be paid forever than a one time payout for the same work done. When you apply some of the new mastermind strategies with a residual income opportunity you have the recipe for rapid success that will last your entire life.

Network Marketing Success Tips - Leveraging Your Content to Attract More Leads to Your Business

If you've spent any time online at all and you're wanting to build your network marketing business, you've probably learned that the key to growth is to create content.And not just any content. To get the best results, you need to create high-quality original content that positions you as a leader and a go-to source of information that others can learn from. This is especially true in the network marketing industry. People are looking online every day to find a way, any way, that they can promote their opportunity to as many people as possible, since network marketing really is just a matter of numbers. The more people that you talk to, the more success you will have.So, how to you get your content out there on the web? How can you leverage your work so that it provides the highest possible return for your investment of time?It's a good thing you're reading this, because I'm about to show you how with another one of my patented 3-step processes that I use on a DAILY basis to grow my own business.Step #1 - Create ONE Piece of Content. Now, how you create this content is entirely up to you. Everyone has their own favorite way of creating content. Some will record something in an audio format. Some will write an article. Some will create a video. How you choose to create your content is completely up to you and should reflect your personal style. Myself, I ALWAYS write out my content first. It just makes me feel better to see everything out on the page, then I create everything from there. The most important thing to do here is to GET THE CONTENT CREATED. No content, no leads, it's as simple as that, folks. Get started, get moving, and start creating some content.Step #2 - Repurpose that ONE piece of content. Now, here's where we're going to get some people out of their comfort zones. To really leverage your results, you're going to need to have your content available in multiple forms on multiple sites. Here's just a few things you can do with one piece of content, and I recommend you do ALL of them for maximum leverage of your work.Blog Post
Audio Podcast
Email NewsletterThere's some more options available for you, but that's enough to get you started. If you're not creating any of these different types of content, you're missing out. Even if you only repurpose your content in just ONE way, you will increase your results exponentially.Step #3 - Get your content in as many places as possible. You've done the work of creating the content, now you've got to get it on the web. And I'm sure you've learned by now, there's about a million places online that you can submit content to. You don't have to submit to all of them, just the ones that will offer you the best leverage for your work. Now, you can go about it the "old school" way and submit each piece of content to one site at a time. Or, you can do it the new way with a submission service that posts to article, video, and audio directories online. Be careful choosing a service, however. Some are fantastic and provide a lot of return, but many just submit to junk directories that really get you nowhere.Just to recap, it's all just a simple 3-step process to start positioning yourself as a leader online and leverage your work for the highest return. Just follow the process of Create, Repurpose, and Submit, and you'll soon find that you've got more leads coming into your business than you ever thought was humanly possible.

Internet Network Marketing Business Success

With traditional network marketing businesses realizing that in order to thrive and survive in the 21st century they must have a presence on the Internet. As the last ten years have passed more and more people are looking to grow their business online instead of doing the old school grunt work that almost all companies train their distributors to do.So, how do you run and grow a successful internet network marketing business? Below we will go through everything you need to grow your business online:1) Your own website.It is a mistake to drive traffic to the companies lead capture page because you are giving up your #1 most valuable asset in your business. So, you must design your own lead capture page to drive your prospects to. In order to get the website up and running you will need a hosting account, html editor, ftp, and an autoresponder.There is no need to worry if you don't know anything about html there are some services on the Internet that you can pay to design a lead capture page for you.2) Autoresponder.An autoresponder is a web form that captures your prospects name and email address. This will be one of your most valuable internet network marketing business assets. Because prospects will not join your business until they like and trust you and the only way for that to happen is to email market to them.3) Ad tracking.This goes without saying. In order to optimize your ROI you must know what paid lead generation methods are working and which ones are not so you can stop throwing money at the unproductive costly methods. Even if you are just using free traffic methods such as writing articles you need to know which ones are giving you traffic and which ones are not.To be an internet network marketing business success story you must have these three components or else your just wasting your time, energy, and money.If you want to learn more about internet network marketing and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.

10 Reasons Why MLMs Are Destined to Fail

It is quite true that more than 95 of the people that attempt to run and operated a multilevel marketing (MLM) business are doomed to failure. Quite often it isn't their fault. Many times we are persuaded and convinced by someone they know and even love to get involved in a business that that person has already committed to. Oftentimes the person who brings you into an MLM business is someone you trust and you don't want to disappoint by telling them no. Also, you may just happen to be in that proverbial place that some people say is the right time where the message that you are hearing sounds so good that you jump in before you take the blindfold off.You Need to ExploreThe first reason a person may have for either struggling are failing at MLM starts at the beginning when they didn't take the time to investigate what this business had to offer and what kind of effort they need to put in to make it work. There are 10 definite reasons why an MLM business will not work including:Low Entry Cost - Just because you were capable to buy into an MLM business for little money doesn't mean you should treat it like a hobby. This is a REAL business and if you want to succeed, you need to treat it as a real business.What do you mean by a plan? You know that old cliche - "No one plans to fail, they just fail to plan." Without a well thought out plan - a business road map of where you are, where you are going and how you will get there - you are more than likely doomed to get lost.The whole world is not your prospect - Everyone is not suited to be either a customer or a downline associate regardless what any upline is telling you. Although it may be quite true that everyone could benefit from your product or service, however, everyone may not want it. Folding after a few hundred "NOs" is not the path to success.What we have here is a failure to communicate - I know what you think you said is what you believe I heard but I'm not sure what I heard is what you meant! If you cannot connect through communicating with others - nothing gets done!Keep being bullied by following exactly what your upline tells you to do.Let me check on that is not the answer people questioning you about your MLM business want to hear. You need to become the expert having all the answers.Boy is that stupid is not the proper response when viewing what someone else may attempt. Keep an open mind about what can be done and allow yourself to learn.How does he do that? If you do not have the answer, refer to No. 6.I sent out brochures. Blame your lack of activity on something other than yourself.The whole world IS your prospect if you have the solution to its problem.Remember you are in the problem solving business. If your product or service cannot solve problems, well, you will soon have another one because your business will fail.


ACN Pyramid Debunked - Lead Generation System is the Key

What the heck is ACN, and why would I want to get involved? Isn't it one of those "Pyramids?" No, in fact it is not. ACN, American Telecommunications Network, is the largest direct selling telecommunications company in the world with a presence in 20 different countries in Europe, Asia, and North America. What ACN does offer is satellite TV, high-speed internet, long distance, wireless service, as well as its revolutionary new video phone service. ACN also offers a lucrative business opportunity to its customers if they have a good lead generation system.In short, it offers its customers the opportunity to make money and build a business by selling ACN's service to their neighbors and family and recruiting a few of them to do the same. In theory this is a great concept. Who doesn't need those services and who wouldn't want to make some extra money?Here is where the problem rears its ugly head. With out some type of lead generation system what does the new ACN rep do when they have gone through their entire warm list of friends, family, and acquaintances? First, by that point they are very familiar with some rejection and its probably starting to eat away at them. One would be surprised how many people do not want to save money and make some at the same time! They also may have had some initial success and have a small fledgling team starting to take form. When the warm market runs dry if the ACN rep does not have the skills or a lead generation system to generate a constant steady supply of leads and keep their current distributors, then their business, sadly, will soon die. Many times a piece of them dies along with it.It is this hurt and rejection, along with the structure of the organization, that leads the disappointed distributor to call it a pyramid and move on, licking their wounds along the way. ACN is not a pyramid scheme. Pyramids are illegal in the United States and most parts of Europe and Asia. It would be a little difficult for it to operate in 20 different countries worldwide if it was an illegal organization.ACN is part of the direct selling multi level marketing industry. Since this industry is a good starting place for a budding entrepreneur it is fraught with a high failure rate the first time around. Success in business takes time and experience, along with a good business head. Many times the folks that get started have never run or owned a business before and do not know how to be profitable. Once they run out of friends and family they just simply are not equipped to go farther.It doesn't have to be that way! Daily, thousands of people make good money in ACN and other network marketing opportunities around the world. These are ordinary folks that took the time to learn the business and run it as such. They key is, these successful entrepreneurs invested in themselves and took the time and yes the money to learn what it is they need to know about the business that their up-line was just not equipped to teach them. These folks generate leads constantly and effortlessly sponsor people into their business.If you are considering joining ACN, first make sure that you have a lead generation system in place capable of generating large amount of leads every month. Take some time to learn about marketing and basic business principles. Finally, research a few other companies and make sure ACN is the right match for you. If you are currently an ACN distributor, stick with it! At least until you learn how to build a large self sustaining organization. If you are committed to learning how to build a large, profitable ACN business, and you have a reliable lead generation system you can have massive success just like so many entrepreneurs before you.

Best Network Marketing Companies - 4.5 Things to Do Before Joining a Network Marketing Company

IntroductionMany people jump into multi level marketing companies without thinking it through. This normally results in over spending along with unrealistic expectations. Network marketing or MLM is not a get rich scheme or pyramid. Multi level marketing companies can be a very profitable business if you take the time to build it correctly the first time through.There are a lot of people out there who will try to recruit you into their business opportunity, but who wants to be sold a home business. Normally when you are recruited in this manner you do not have any up line support or very little. You want to avoid this situation by taking the time to get prepared and educated before committing to any MLM company. Do not accept pressure to join from the person trying to recruit you, as this is a sign they will be a weak leader to you in the long term.4 things to do before joining any MLM company1. Read the e-book Success in 10 steps. This e-book contains general information about the network marketing industry. It contains no links to any MLM businesses and it does not even mention any businesses. It is just straight talk about how to be success in MLM.2. Read articles and books on the topic of understanding people and what motivates them. Remember that network marketing is a people business so the more you can learn about people the better.3. Review the products and compensation plan for the business and make sure these are both something that will benefit you. Do not join a company with only one product or a few products because you are subject to changes in the industry to quickly. A flexible compensation plan, where you can grow wide and deep, is better than a binary or stair step program, because the different personality types will be able to work the plan to their advantage.4. Read the prospective MLM Company's policies and procedures. This step is very important because you want to ensure your rights are protected. If the policies and procedures are more than 10 pages, and there are a lot of clauses that give all the rights to the company, then you should look else where for a better company.4.5 Staying with the topic of policies and procedures, you should make sure there is nothing in the policies that makes you renew or reapply annually as a distributor. This is a sure sign that there is potential for you to lose your business on the date of the renewal, if the company does not accept it.Conclusion97% of people will not last beyond 3 months if they are recruited into a network marketing business. However, if they are mentored and coached by a strong leader more than 65% will get beyond that 3 month point. You need to work with a good coach or mentor and you have to become a good coach and mentor. Remember that network marketing is not a sales business, it is a people business. Examine my blog for more coaching tips and to download the eBook Success in 10 steps.

Success With a Home Business - The Huge Reason You're Not Seeing Success in MLM

Are you wondering why you're not seeing the success that you were hoping you would see with your home business? If so, then you're not alone. The answer is actually pretty common to a lot of people in the MLM industry. Actually it's common to people in all home based businesses and life in general.The reason that you're probably not seeing success is that you're not taking enough ACTION!You see, action is the key to success. It's what makes the world go round, and all of the people in this world that you'd love to emulate because they're so successful...well it's very likely that they're number one trait is that they're persistent action takers.The Myths of Home Business Success...There's a huge myth out there that you have to be an extremely intelligent person to be successful with a home business. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that there are tons and tons of people who are successful which continually makes me scratch my head in amazement, wondering why. These are people that couldn't even qualify for "Are you Smarter Than a First Grader" much less Fifth Grade.And yet there are other people that you meet who are extremely off the charts intelligent, but have nothing to show for it and are continually struggling in life. Sometimes in our network marketing business we'll sponsor these people thinking that they're going to do great, and they just go nowhere.Most of the time it's simply because they won't take the needed ACTION that it takes to succeed.Another Success Myth Debunked...One of the other huge myths is that about people who are "lucky". I don't know any hard numbers, but I would venture to say that out of all the successful people in the world, the amount that are that way because of luck is less that 2%. And in the home business or MLM industry it's even smaller than that.I know that nobody in MLM is successful because of luck.Where does this myth come from? Well it comes from our lazy culture for one. Everyone has the get rich quick lottery mindset. Nobody wants to work for what they want, they just want it to fall into their laps. Then when it doesn't they blame the fact that they have no luck. And for the people who do have the success that they seek, they simply account that as that person being lucky.The fact is that the person that is so-called "lucky" took loads and loads of action, and were ready when opportunity was in front of them. They had taken enough action already so that when a great opportunity was at their doorstep they were able to capitalize on that.In the music world you'll very often hear of some musician who "got lucky" or became an overnight sensation. Usually the case is actually that this person spent years honing their craft, playing dive clubs and bars entertaining near empty rooms, and persisting. And on the night when a music studio record executive was in the venue they had already perfected their performance.Those who aren't lucky usually just aren't prepared to take advantage of opportunity that comes their way because they haven't done the work and taken the action that they needed to in order to be prepared and "get lucky".Action is the key to success. Doing the things that need to be done even though you may not want to puts you on the road to success. Doing the stuff that makes you uncomfortable is the fast track to success. Doing something instead of nothing even if you're not sure that you're not screwing things up is the successful man's best friend. When things go wrong they do the next thing anyways.Start taking action today that you've been putting off, or haven't been sure of and just see how your home business success begins to blossom.

Nikken Review - Is the Nikken Opportunity the Right Fit For Your Home Business?

OverviewNikken has been in business since 1975. Their main offices are in Irvine, CA. They sell health and wellness products, jewelry, aromatherapy, air filtration systems just to name a few. My goal is to review the Nikken business so that you can make an educated business decision determining if this opportunity is a right fit for your home based business.What Are The Expenses?To become a Nikken consultant you can purchase a sales kit for $49.95. It is recommended by Nikken consultants for you to additionally purchase the Demo Pack along with the Career Pack. With these 2 additional packs, you'll be able to show the products at home shows and explain how they work in product presentations to potential customers and to potential recruits.Also having an inventory of products is not required but very important to have. If someone wants a product now then it's best to have that product on hand right away because they might change their mind if they can't purchase your product now. And it's known that people at home shows will want to buy your product. If you don't have the products on hand then you could be losing money.In order to remain an active Nikken consultant you have to pay an annual fee of $12.95.The Nikken Compensation PlanAs a distributor you will be able to make 25% commission of any product you personally sell. As with any MLM, you earn the majority of your income through a residual income. This means you must recruit people below you and train them appropriately so they can succeed. If your team continually is making sales you can make a big commission off of them. But the key is to recruit quality people and to provide an effective training system that duplicates success.It's known that Nikken has a stair step breakaway plan. This means that if any team members in your downline reach a certain level in terms of sales performance and number of people recruited they can "break away" from your team. This means any one person on your team can leave your team and take his or her team with them. This means your residual income will be significantly less because this person along with their team has left your team. So as your distributors break away for you, you will still be entitled to earn a percentage from the "break away" distributor's efforts. However, it is a very small fraction compared to when this distributor was on your team. This is referred to as an override commission.So with this rule implemented it really takes a type of person that is confident and experienced in recruiting new team members when others leave them due to the stair step breakaway plan. The disadvantage with this is that some people may like having to be able to keep team members for a long time because they get to know them and trust them. This may or may not matter to some people. Everybody is different.If you think you can't consistently go after recruits effectively then this is not the business for you. However if you are confident that you can consistently get recruits to join your business, then you can be successful with this existing compensation plan.How Are Customer Leads Generated?A Nikken consultant's job is to do home shows where you give product demonstrations to customers. At these home shows you sell your products, possibly recruit people on your team, and set up future home shows with customers. Now at these home shows, the customer is the host. The customer will usually invite other people to the home show. You then drive to the person's location to further promote yourself and your product. This is a continual process for a Nikken consultant. You must decide for yourself if this is something you will like doing or not.TrainingNikken consultants get access to a back office which is a dynamic web portal with tools to learn about the Nikken products and learn how to promote the products effectively. You'll also be getting a newsletter so that you can continually be updated about the business. The starter kit also has DVD training so that you can get a foundation of knowledge to get started with the Nikken business. Also, you'll receive one on one training with your sponsor. You want to make sure you find the right sponsor to teach you effective and proven marketing concepts so you can generate customer leads in order to start making money for your business.ConclusionNikken is definitely a proven company with quality products. A few of the things to consider before choosing Nikken are their products, compensation plan, how they get customers, and the training. They offer a variety of products. You have to ask yourself "Am I comfortable with selling many products or would I like to find a company that concentrates on a smaller amount of products so I can learn the business faster?" Also, its known most of their customers are retrieved through home shows where you must go to a person's house to promote the products, sell the products, and possibly recruit team members. You want to ask yourself "Do I mind driving around giving business presentations to promote the Nikken products?" And the last thing to take into consideration is the training. No matter what business you commit to make sure you have a person that is very knowledgeable about the business and about teaching marketing concepts that will generate customer leads.Even though most of Nikken's training is geared towards the homes shows, there are always people in any organization that can teach you how to generate leads using effective online strategies. You just have to sort and filter through the sponsors. One of many important concepts to learn is personal branding and attraction marketing. It's a great feeling when you can provide your customers with value which leads them to trust in you. This trust will create an attraction which will influence people to follow you rather than you having to chase them down for a sale. If you can find someone that can teach you personal branding, attraction marketing, along with other important marketing strategies, you can succeed in any business opportunity.

Network Marketing - Make Your Leads Pay You!

Most network marketers have to pay to get leads to their website this is not true of the few expert internet marketers. What if there was a way to make your leads pay you every time they came to your website? What if there was a way to get your prospects to happily give you money to do more advertising thus bringing in more leads for you?Well, there is a way to profit off of your leads and it is called a funded proposal system. What is a funded proposal? Anything that creates additional immediate revenue in your business that results in a direct increase in the value of your leads.Below are the different types of funded proposals:1) AdSense.Simply slapping some AdSense on your blog or website can make you money to put back into building your list. Unless your website gets a bunch of traffic you won't make a ton of money, but you want to monetize from your prospects as much as possible.2) Affiliate.Not everyone is going to jump in your network marketing business, but all network marketers are interested in generating more traffic, recruiting more people, making more money, less rejection, and more duplication. So, if you find a affiliate program that solves one or more of these programs you could make a recommendation to your list and make money to build your list even bigger.3) Products.There are two different types of information products: your own and rebrandable for your team to use. Create your own information products that help network marketers solve their biggest problems that we mentioned above. This way you can have your own home based business outside of your network marketing business. It sets you up as an expert and let's you make money off prospects that will never join your business.If you want to learn more about network marketing funded proposals and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.

Are You Struggling With Your Multi Level Marketing Business?

In this article I will reveal the absolute top secret way you can use to bring a steady stream of prospects into your network marketing business, put them in your sales funnel - and convert them into repeat customers!If you've just been selling to friends and family, and have exhausted your list of prospects, if you need to reach a wider audience - Congratulations, you're in the right place!Let's be honest here, for any business to succeed, marketing is essential, but the bottom line is you've got to get sales. Without sales a business is not a business, it's a hobby.Allow me to tell you a little about myself. I am an avid learner and love to be around people and have a large circle of friends. So, the network marketing business, I thought, would be perfect for me. I started selling products for a network marketing company out of my home to friends and family.This same company provided audio tapes and had regular group meetings in an effort to provide network marketing training and support to their affiliates. Although these helped, I realized that to be above the competition and on top of my game, that kind of network marketing training was not enough. I just did not have the numbers, to make this business really take off.I asked myself the same questions you are asking yourself now, how do I reach a wider audience? After I've exhausted my list of friends and family where can I go looking for new prospects? Here, I am about to reveal my top secret way for getting happy and repeat customers and the network marketing training that is a must have for success.My top income generator is, drum roll please, the internet. I know the answer may come as a surprise and it sounds way too simple, but think about it for a second - imagine having a store that is open 7 days a week and 24 hours a day!For your business to succeed it is essential to take the training you need to help take your business to new heights. Succeeding on the internet is not easy, you will be faced with competition, you will be faced with challenges, and it will take time. But with the right kind of network marketing training especially designed for internet success, you can fly high over your competition.So, you ask, all this sounds great, but are you going to show me how to really do this for myself?This is the first in a series of articles to give you the network marketing training YOU need to fill your sales funnel with prospects.I will walk with you step by step of the way and teach you everything I learned, holding nothing back, to give you the network marketing training you need for internet success.My next article introduces the "Top 3 mistakes most people make when they get started on the internet - and don't let that be you!"I look forward to helping you ramp up your training with a bang!


MLM Multilevel Network Marketing Truth?

MLM Multilevel Network Marketing has been a subject of contention for many, many years. Some have had tremendous success in this industry and some haven't. The biggest reason why most MLM multilevel network marketing distributors have had little to no success is because of a couple of factors in my opinion.One factor simply is that they have not had adequate training in how to actually market their respective business opportunities. They have went on a whim with the lack luster training that most marketing directors of these companies have shared with them on how to actually build their businesses.The strategy of making a list of your friends, family, co-workers,and virtually anyone that comes within three feet of you is one of the common techniques that most marketers are trained on as to how they are to create success with their opportunity.The second factor in the lack of success in MLM Multilevel Network Marketing is that there is a lack of leadership in place. Not so much from the standpoint of an individual's upline, but the individual marketer themselves have not stepped up to be the leader that most of his or her potential recruits are looking to follow.If these two issues are not addressed (marketing training and leadership), then it's just a matter of time before the distributor will find themselves dropping out or quitting the business. There is a reason why there is a 97% failure rate in this industry and the problem doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon unless new techniques and strategies are adopted.The real truth is that if you are not exposed to the proper mentoring and coaching and not the typical rehashing of what MLM companies are teaching their distributors, you will continue to go down that road of failure. A mentor and/or a coach will save you days, weeks, and even sometimes years of misinformation and bring you up to speed on what really works in this industry TODAY!On top of having a mentor or coach, a serious marketer needs to investigate the idea of utilizing the right technology and systems that are available to make their marketing transition even smoother. Top marketers have been using these strategies for years and have left the not so savvy marketers in the dust.These systems will do the majority of the work for you when it comes to generating and un-ending amount of prospects to share your opportunity with. This strategy alone will alleviate the need for you to go after your friends and family to pitch your MLM Multilevel Network Marketing business to.It will also allow you to put up marketing content in an expeditious fashion without having to learning a whole lot of technical jargon to do it. In summary, networking marketing is really a viable alternative to the day to day grind, but it requires consistent action on your part to really make it work.To get more information, click on the link in the area below.

Best MLM Network Marketing Strategies

The way to success in any business is by marketing yourself rather than your products. A lot of people will buy from you just because you have made an impression on them in one way or another. Why do you think people swear by certain brands and turn away from others? It is simply because they have learned through experience or by word of mouth from somebody they know and trust that a certain brand is a better value than another.A lot of people will by a car from a car dealer where a friend or relative works without looking anywhere else for a better deal, simply because they like and trust that friend or relative. For most people their house is the single biggest investment they will ever have in their entire life. And if they have a friend or a relative in the real estate business that is usually who they choose as their real estate agent. Rarely do they check their listings versus sales rate, they hire them because they know them and trust them. My wife likes to buy her gas at a certain gas station in our town. She will pay a few cents more per gallon sometimes or go out of her way to buy gas at that one particular station. When I asked her why she insists on buying gas at this certain station she replied that she likes the lady that owns it and they seem like good Christian people. This lady now has my wife's business for life unless she does something to make my wife lose trust in her. There is a certain sporting goods store that I will buy from over most other sporting goods stores, simply because I know he won't steer me in the wrong direction just to make a sale.This is exactly how good marketing is done, and by branding yourself as a trustworthy person that is well educated in your products will keep you in business for many years to come.

Waiting For Mr Or Ms Right to Join Your Network Marketing Business is a Waste of Time - Yours

Have you ever chased someone you felt would be an excellent prospect to join your business? You have done everything - short of giving up your firstborn - to sponsor this person to no avail.Instead of pursuing other prospects, you continue trying to win this prospect over to your side. You leave telephone messages or send emails without getting a response. The reason for this person not getting back to you, you rationalize, is that they probably have not received your messages.Believe it or not, there are some people who love to be chased. The concept of having you on the hook (instead of the other way around) excites them. Perhaps others see right through them and will not participate in their "come on and chase me" charade.To let my Rhode Island show, I'll use this colloquialism: forget about it. Move on.You may think this person is worth the effort but, trust me from a been there, done that perspective, no prospect deserves the right to waste your time.I have a rule of thumb which has worked for me: only make two follow-up calls.If I reach a prospect's voicemail when I make my first follow-up call, I will leave a message with my contact numbers. My second follow up call is made two days later explaining that I had called a few days ago and if there is any interest to give me a call as I will not be calling back...and I would leave my contact numbers once again. Do I forget about this prospect? Yes and no. Yes, I will forget about wasting any more of my time making phone calls to him/her. No, I will not forget him/her entirely as I will add this person to my email and/or direct mail list for future "impersonal" contacts that will not involve any further time investment on my part.Actually you should thank your lucky stars that this person, your Mr. or Ms. Right for your business, is blowing you off. Imagine what it would be like if this type of person joined your business.As a matter of fact, there is such a person who was sponsored by one of my team members into our business. When he first started talking about her to me one of his descriptions was that she was a network marketing Goliath. She would personally bring his business into the stratosphere as she knew everybody who was anybody in network marketing. (She proved to be difficult even as a prospect: phone calls to her were unreturned and she scheduled three meetings - that I know of - to see a one-on-one business presentation and then cancelled all three.) After she eventually joined the business, in spite of scheduling two group meetings at her home, she cancelled both of them. No, she did not have the courtesy of cancelling either one...my team member called her the day before to get a count of who would be attending only to be told - once he reached her - that no one was coming.Mr. or Ms. Right do not have to be chased. He or she will find you.

Is it Possible That Top People Would Move Out of Amsoil?

Why would top achievers ever even think about quitting Amsoil? Amsoil has been thriving in the multilevel marketing world. They continue to have a constructive impact on the business. They have a proven achievement pattern. A lot of members have done okay with Amsoil. So, why would many top people even think about the idea to walk out of it?Leaders walk out of many networking businesses because of several concerns. They may love Amsoil but...they may not bring in enough wealth in Amsoil. They may not be creating fast enough growth in Amsoil. They may not be a top achiever in Amsoil. It is easy for people on the the outside to believe a person is at a higher rank than they in reality are.They may have been enticed to depart by another competitor. It may have seemed to be better for them. They may have wanted to quit the industry. They may just need to lay on a beach and retire. They may just want to put together another additional cash flow at the identical moment. They may just desire to have a complete Internet growth venture. Regardless, every business has individuals that resign. Amsoil is no more uncommon than other tremendous multilevel marketing companies. However, maybe it is not Amsoil they are walk out of!What is the genuine intention leaders walk out of it?One honest explanation is the Internet explosion. The Internet world has touched all multilevel marketing businesses. The competition is greater now than in the modern history of the field. New network companies are opening weekly. Each one is promoting a quicker way to get ahead in their multilevel marketing company.New network concerns are being developed weekly expressly to benefit on the Internet growth. The old multilevel marketing plans are not structured to move about as swift as many of the more advanced structures. There is even a linear MLM business in our day. It goes far ahead of giving a replicated online site. It goes far ahead of member Internet sites. It goes far ahead of allowing distributors to order on the online website. It also goes beyond having an Internet presence.Companies like Amsoil will always continue to have increased rivalry for their members. They will have bigger competition for their products. They will have increased rivalry for their pay plan. All this comes from the growth in the Internet world.A true Internet network company has models designed just for the future Internet explosions. The genuine Internet multilevel marketing corporation has pay plans developed just for the even more Internet explosions. The real Internet MLM organization has a associate force designed just for the Internet. The genuine Internet explosion networking corporation has a product developed just for the online world.Even the rules in a authentic modern multilevel marketing organization are designed just for the online world. Independent business owners are looking for genuine Internet network organizations. People want an online organization. Is Amsoil a true online networking business?Since many top people are resigning from Amsoil and many other networking organizations, before you sign up with Amsoil or any organization, you may choose to check out many of the more modern true online marketing organizations. Look up the reasons why many top people are walking out it. Essentially - perhaps it is the Internet world that we now live in.

What Will it Take For You to Become Successful With Your Own Internet Business?

At some point in everyone's life, there comes a time when they want to take control of their own lives without others constantly telling them what they need to do and when they need to do it. There comes a time when we need to succeed or fail based upon our own merit and efforts. It takes someone with commitment to go out in to the real world and become an entrepreneur. It might be easy to think that becoming an online entrepreneur would be easier than becoming an entrepreneur in a "real" business. However, it would be a mistake to think that there is any difference between the two. It will take motivation, perseverance, and a commitment to doing what you believe in if you intend to become successful.If you intend to become a successful online entrepreneur, then you are going to have to understand online marketing. It might be a slow and, often times, frustrating path that you have started down, but I'm sure that you will decide that it was worth it once you have accomplished your goal. The key is to take it one step at a time. At the end of each day you should be able to look back and point to at least one thing that you did in order to advance your business. If you can do that, then you should consider the day a success. I'm a big believer in making lists and writing important things down in order to ensure that those items are completed. If you are going to be successful in any business, you are going to have to be organized. Once you know exactly what needs to be done, then you can just get to it without any wasted time or effort.Once you get used to doing things that will make you successful, then you will not be able to stop doing them. You will find that you will always be asking yourself what more can you be doing at that moment in order to become successful. As you begin taking the small steps, then you will find that it will become easier to take larger steps as well, but the important thing is to not worry about how fast you are moving toward your goal. The important thing is that you are moving and making progress. Be patient and remain focused and organized, and it will happen.Henry David Thoreau once said "Most men live lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." I believe very strongly that the biggest risk that we take in life is not taking any risks. If you want to succeed, then you are going to have to go after what you want, or else that song will still be in you after you are gone. What a shame that would be! Good luck my friends.