If you've spent any time online at all and you're wanting to build your network marketing business, you've probably learned that the key to growth is to create content.And not just any content. To get the best results, you need to create high-quality original content that positions you as a leader and a go-to source of information that others can learn from. This is especially true in the network marketing industry. People are looking online every day to find a way, any way, that they can promote their opportunity to as many people as possible, since network marketing really is just a matter of numbers. The more people that you talk to, the more success you will have.So, how to you get your content out there on the web? How can you leverage your work so that it provides the highest possible return for your investment of time?It's a good thing you're reading this, because I'm about to show you how with another one of my patented 3-step processes that I use on a DAILY basis to grow my own business.Step #1 - Create ONE Piece of Content. Now, how you create this content is entirely up to you. Everyone has their own favorite way of creating content. Some will record something in an audio format. Some will write an article. Some will create a video. How you choose to create your content is completely up to you and should reflect your personal style. Myself, I ALWAYS write out my content first. It just makes me feel better to see everything out on the page, then I create everything from there. The most important thing to do here is to GET THE CONTENT CREATED. No content, no leads, it's as simple as that, folks. Get started, get moving, and start creating some content.Step #2 - Repurpose that ONE piece of content. Now, here's where we're going to get some people out of their comfort zones. To really leverage your results, you're going to need to have your content available in multiple forms on multiple sites. Here's just a few things you can do with one piece of content, and I recommend you do ALL of them for maximum leverage of your work.Blog Post
Audio Podcast
Email NewsletterThere's some more options available for you, but that's enough to get you started. If you're not creating any of these different types of content, you're missing out. Even if you only repurpose your content in just ONE way, you will increase your results exponentially.Step #3 - Get your content in as many places as possible. You've done the work of creating the content, now you've got to get it on the web. And I'm sure you've learned by now, there's about a million places online that you can submit content to. You don't have to submit to all of them, just the ones that will offer you the best leverage for your work. Now, you can go about it the "old school" way and submit each piece of content to one site at a time. Or, you can do it the new way with a submission service that posts to article, video, and audio directories online. Be careful choosing a service, however. Some are fantastic and provide a lot of return, but many just submit to junk directories that really get you nowhere.Just to recap, it's all just a simple 3-step process to start positioning yourself as a leader online and leverage your work for the highest return. Just follow the process of Create, Repurpose, and Submit, and you'll soon find that you've got more leads coming into your business than you ever thought was humanly possible.