STOP Looking For the Best Home Based Business!
Because there is no Best Home Based Business!I was on a team webinar last night that had a Q&A at the end. It made me realize something about our business that I wanted to share with you and get off my chest, quite frankly. Why did you join your current company in the first place? Was it because of the income opportunity that the business presents or the fact that you absolutely love the product and need to have it? The real question is "What is the Best Home Based Business For You".It really comes down to what you are looking for. Let's not sugar coat it though...the reason we all get involved in network marketing is to make money! People tend to make excuses for their lack of success and lose sight of why they are in their network marketing business in the first place.A little nit-picky comment was made by one of the team members about the product mix and my sponsor responded exactly the way I would have! He said (and I paraphrase):"Our products are fine...better than most actually. But, if you are looking for a business where you can just sell products, this is not the business for you. We are selling a home based business opportunity. You can set-up a website and just sell products OR...you can grasp the opportunity that you have right now, and that you have already paid for, selling a very lucrative home based business opportunity that can earn you a substantial income this year IF you work. The choice is yours."Mindset is everything. I learned this a long time ago and it holds true...If you are waiting for everything to be perfect before you take action, you'll never take action. If you are in a home-based business, then you are an ENTREPRENEUR...a business owner. You need to think like a business owner and only you know why you joined your current company in the first place. There honestly is no "Best" home based business in my opinion, although there are a lot of very good ones, so STOP looking for it!Decide if you would prefer to sell products or sell a business opportunity. Do your due diligence to make sure that the company makes you feel comfortable. Then...Go For It!
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