Is Network Marketing Dead?
Network marketing is not what it used to be. There used to be a time where you could spend 2-5 years giving your best efforts toward a business and create a huge downline by making a list of your friends and family and signing them up. You can then within those 2- 5 years create a substantial income that would allow you to retire and you didn't have to worry about the stability of your downline. Now, although a lot of things have changed for the better, there have been some things that have changed that has made network marketing not the same industry it was. One change for the better is being able to find out more about a business quickly and efficiently. There is so much of a selection on the internet and they all have different compensation plans and offer different things that you are able to join one or several with ease. You can go on the internet right now and see several programs that will announce that they are in pre-launch, or offering some great product or service or will tell you that you don't have to sponsor anyone to make money. However, because we are able to access this information in a matter of minutes, when something happens in our business that we don't like or if we haven't generated enough income quickly enough, we are able to join another company in no time. This hurts the people who are genuinely trying to generate enough extra income online that will help them and their children and their children's children.That is why most likely they got involved in Network Marketing in the first place. For the residuals. But the fact is that residual income is not what it used to be either. Because of the fact that people may move from your program to another program, there are no guarantees that the downline you have today or tomorrow will be around next week or next year. As a result, you can't sustain the income you're currently generating so it becomes difficult to even think about having a big enough downline to retire and achieve financial freedom. Now don't get me wrong I think some of the most greatest products and services come out of the network marketing industry, however, in order to generate some serious retirement income online, we have to be willing to put our traditional thinking aside of how the industry used to be and see it for what it is so we can effectively reach our financial goals.In order to effectively make money online, we have to put aside the concept that we can only get paid a small percentage for our best efforts. Besides, who wants to have to use a calculator to figure out how much or how little you get paid. I sure don't. I want to be able to know that when I bring someone in my business, that I'm getting paid 100% of the profits and not just a piece of it. After all, if you put in the work, you should get paid fully for your efforts. So as a result, you want a business where you receive 100% of the profits because that way, you are able to leverage the money that you are able to receive on a regular basis, to invest in other things, such as real estate, the stock market or a network marketing company because these are all long term investments that even though they take time to build, they are worth while in the long run. The difference is that you are not frustrated because you are under financial distress.You also want a program that will allow you to get paid on a daily basis and on your terms. Instead of waiting on a weekly or monthly check that is based on last months efforts, why not get paid immediately on the efforts you put forth today. Getting that immediate gratification helps you to stay focused and help your members to stay excited because they are able to see and reap the rewards at that moment.Another important feature of a good business is to have a business that you can promote nationally and internationally. Because of certain restrictions in different countries, you might not be able to promote your business in those countries. As a result you are limited to the amount of income you could be making. There could be hundreds of people who could use your product and/or service in that particular country, however, if there is a restriction, you are missing out on making more money.You also want an effective and simple system that anyone can use to build their business. One of the great things about the internet is that there are so many ways to promote your business and with the right tools and training you will have a great chance of being successful as opposed to just relying on some of the more traditional ways of marketing. For example, talking with friends and family or talking with people you know. With the right system, you can reach so many people nationally and internationally. Plus, network marketers like yourself, find it difficult to make the money they want to earn online because they just can't find the right combination of business and system to effectively do so.So, is network marketing dead? I believe that the way that we have perceived network marketing to be is dead. I think that we have to realize this truth so that we can make the necessary adjustments. Only then will we be truly able to make enough money online and ultimately reach our financial goals.
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