
97% of Network Marketers Will Fall Flat on Their Face

Today's current statistics show that 97% of the people who join a network marketing business opportunity fail within the first 90 days. The high failure rate is due to a variety of different and diverse reasons.Many folks jumping on the network marketing bandwagon, are typically coming into the business with false expectations. Quite possible they have been told by their upline that the potential to earn truckloads of ca$h, win pricey cars and trips, and eventually get to dip their hands into the bonus pool...can be accomplished with virtually little effort. All they have to do is sign up their friends and family, "get through the numbers," and "share" the company's product and compensation plan. This is just one of the many network marketing lies regurgitated by uplines still using antiquated "pitch and chase methods." Today's current network marketing principles and strategies are quite different from those used in the 90's.A second reason so many folks fail at creating a successful network marketing business, is that they don't possess any real desire to own or run a real business. These people are completely satisfied with the status quo, and don't have any legitimate desire to change it. They are not entrepreneurs, nor could they ever be trained to become one. The drive and desire to become a business owner just doesn't exist. They really shouldn't be held accountable when they fail with their network marketing business. Perhaps their upline failed to focus on recruiting their true network marketing target market...which should never have included them in the first place.Possibly the most significant reason for failing with network marketing, is that new MLM recruits are improperly trained or do not have a significant business plan set in place. Network marketing is a real business and should be run as one. Ask any successful network marketer, home based, or small business owner what their secret is to achieving a profitable and successful long lasting organization. Their answer may shock you.It won't be that the "power juice" or "ninja vitamins" sell themselves. It's not that they love their company products. It won't even be that "it works because they love what they do." If they are fair and forthright, and truly have your best interest at heart, they will tell you that they had established a concrete business plan, had a great mentor and that they were properly educated...before they began their venture.Your business plan will consist of relationship building, marketing and advertising strategies, learning business principles, financial organization as well as recruiting and hiring the most qualified employees.Once you have established your business plan, along with having the best trained employees, running a profitable and successful network marketing business is a walk in the park.I'll be the first to admit...4 years ago I never envisioned myself owning not only one, but two businesses as I do today. I was a small town farm girl with 18 years of medical experience under my belt. Owning a business was the furthest thing from my mind. Fortunately, I had a tremendous business mentor when I took my first leap of faith. She unknowingly taught me business principles and strategies and the importance of building solid relationships with everyone you encounter. I learned a lot...simply by watching her "do her stuff."My second business mentor took me from a network marketing "train wreck" to a successful Internet network marketer. I simply followed the same effective Network Marketing Business Plan he wrote...to build his successful and profitable Internet Network marketing business.In essence, becoming successful in anything mimics something we all learned in our childhood years...It's simply a game of "Follow the Leader."To Creating Your MLM Business Plan...

