Recruiting 101 - 5 Steps to a Tidal Wave of New Distributors
How are your recruiting efforts going in your Network Marketing business?If you're frustrated with your recruiting efforts, then getting back to the basics are more than likely missing in your business. After researching several top leaders with 20+ distributors in their organization, each one recall a time when their recruiting efforts started paying off was when they got back to the basics Recruiting 101.Many people never see results in network marketing when it comes to adding new team members on their team for several reasons. One of the main reason for so many none successful network marketers are they focus so much on the new and improved way to recruit that they forget about the basics.In this article you will learn the basic steps you need to master in order to stop continuously struggling in your network marketing business. It doesn't matter what business you're in, there are 5 steps that must be implemented at all times.Lets get right into it....1. ExposeMany networkers get this step wrong and as a result recruit minimum amounts of new distributors in their business. Many marketers make the mistake of presenting there business to quickly. Your exposure should be the sizzle for your opportunity so less is more.A very effective way is to have a message that gives people a brief look at a possible problem they might be facing your company can fix. You want to connect with your prospect on an emotional level from a challenge they have in their life now.2. PresentAt this point your prospect is ready to see the solution to their problems and how your company will solve it. Another key point in this step is you must always use 3rd party to present your opportunity. I heard from many top leaders that if your mouth is moving it better be pointing to something. Here are a few examples website, meeting, webinar or conference call done by leaders on your team.3.ValidateNetwork marketers miss this very important step in their business because they discount the power of 3rd party. Validation is the key to recruiting people who make more money then you and especially your friends and family.4.EnrollBy this time your sponsor has already got them in the business for you and it's time to get your new distributor started right. Yay, you mad some commission.5. SupportThis is the key step to keeping your new team member actively on your team productive and moving with you. Many network marketers switch companies because they don't have the support they need from their sponsor. Your business should have a system in place that is so simple anyone in your organization can plug into and create what ever income level their looking for.The first 30days are crucial when you recruit a new distributor on your team and guided action must be taken everyday for maximum results. Having the right leader to guide you in your new venture showing you step by step is vital to the success you have.These 5 steps have created organization's bigger than ever and are missed by so many because networkers are always looking for whats the real way to recruit and its staring them in the face.
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