Best Network Marketing Companies - 4.5 Things to Do Before Joining a Network Marketing Company
IntroductionMany people jump into multi level marketing companies without thinking it through. This normally results in over spending along with unrealistic expectations. Network marketing or MLM is not a get rich scheme or pyramid. Multi level marketing companies can be a very profitable business if you take the time to build it correctly the first time through.There are a lot of people out there who will try to recruit you into their business opportunity, but who wants to be sold a home business. Normally when you are recruited in this manner you do not have any up line support or very little. You want to avoid this situation by taking the time to get prepared and educated before committing to any MLM company. Do not accept pressure to join from the person trying to recruit you, as this is a sign they will be a weak leader to you in the long term.4 things to do before joining any MLM company1. Read the e-book Success in 10 steps. This e-book contains general information about the network marketing industry. It contains no links to any MLM businesses and it does not even mention any businesses. It is just straight talk about how to be success in MLM.2. Read articles and books on the topic of understanding people and what motivates them. Remember that network marketing is a people business so the more you can learn about people the better.3. Review the products and compensation plan for the business and make sure these are both something that will benefit you. Do not join a company with only one product or a few products because you are subject to changes in the industry to quickly. A flexible compensation plan, where you can grow wide and deep, is better than a binary or stair step program, because the different personality types will be able to work the plan to their advantage.4. Read the prospective MLM Company's policies and procedures. This step is very important because you want to ensure your rights are protected. If the policies and procedures are more than 10 pages, and there are a lot of clauses that give all the rights to the company, then you should look else where for a better company.4.5 Staying with the topic of policies and procedures, you should make sure there is nothing in the policies that makes you renew or reapply annually as a distributor. This is a sure sign that there is potential for you to lose your business on the date of the renewal, if the company does not accept it.Conclusion97% of people will not last beyond 3 months if they are recruited into a network marketing business. However, if they are mentored and coached by a strong leader more than 65% will get beyond that 3 month point. You need to work with a good coach or mentor and you have to become a good coach and mentor. Remember that network marketing is not a sales business, it is a people business. Examine my blog for more coaching tips and to download the eBook Success in 10 steps.
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