Your Choice - Build Your Network Marketing Business Painfully Fast Or Painfully Slow
Building a solid network marketing business is a painful experience.Over the years, I have come to realize that there is a direct correlation between the effort put in and the result that comes out. Network marketing is a painful experience. Anyone who tells you otherwise could be from the planet Krypton.Why is it so painful? If you are working your business to the max, then you will get your share (and more) of unreturned telephone calls and emails from prospects AS WELL AS your own team members (usually a good indicator that they are on their way out of your business). It is physically painful to be stretched to your limit where all of your time is spent focusing on your business. It is mentally draining to pump up deflated egos of team members who have experienced one rejection too many.You do have an option: build your business painfully fast or painfully slow. I recommend painfully fast simply because the great effort you put in now will bring positive results faster.When I first started out in network marketing, I asked my sponsor what I should do if I wanted to build my business quickly. He said I would have to show the business plan once a day. Instead of showing it once a day, I would usually show it three times a day: breakfast, lunch and an evening presentation. It was an exhausting schedule since I was also operating a tour/travel business. But what was even more draining was arranging these presentation meetings. Trust me, I heard my share of, "It isn't one of those pyramid deals, is it?" But, like the Energizer bunny on steroids, I kept going and going and going.Not only did this rather excruciating pace build that business but it proved to be excellent training for my future involvement with other network marketing companies. I remember a leader once comparing the effort required to getting a network marketing business off the ground to that of getting a rocket into orbit. He said it took 90% of a rocket's fuel to blast it into space into its orbit. Similarly when you are first starting out in network marketing, you will expend the greatest amount of your energy getting your business to take off...this being done, you can then throttle back and enjoy the ride.The question you have to ask yourself: do I build my business painfully fast or painfully slow?
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