
Network Marketing - Make Your Leads Pay You!

Most network marketers have to pay to get leads to their website this is not true of the few expert internet marketers. What if there was a way to make your leads pay you every time they came to your website? What if there was a way to get your prospects to happily give you money to do more advertising thus bringing in more leads for you?Well, there is a way to profit off of your leads and it is called a funded proposal system. What is a funded proposal? Anything that creates additional immediate revenue in your business that results in a direct increase in the value of your leads.Below are the different types of funded proposals:1) AdSense.Simply slapping some AdSense on your blog or website can make you money to put back into building your list. Unless your website gets a bunch of traffic you won't make a ton of money, but you want to monetize from your prospects as much as possible.2) Affiliate.Not everyone is going to jump in your network marketing business, but all network marketers are interested in generating more traffic, recruiting more people, making more money, less rejection, and more duplication. So, if you find a affiliate program that solves one or more of these programs you could make a recommendation to your list and make money to build your list even bigger.3) Products.There are two different types of information products: your own and rebrandable for your team to use. Create your own information products that help network marketers solve their biggest problems that we mentioned above. This way you can have your own home based business outside of your network marketing business. It sets you up as an expert and let's you make money off prospects that will never join your business.If you want to learn more about network marketing funded proposals and how to get free leads to make money online make sure you read and follow the instructions in the resource box below.

